Levi's Plan

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"Okay so do you think this one will work?" Levi said revising the plan. "I mean it might." Eren replied still a little skeptical. "Okay repeat the plan back to me." Levi said making sure Eren had it down. Eren nodded and began to recite the plan from memory. He had uncertainty in his voice as he went through each step. He knew the plan was far fetched and had a low success rate, but maybe this time they would catch a break. That luck would finally be on their side for once.

"When I get home I first need to explain the plan to Mikasa. Next we will stay upstairs in our rooms packing some clothes and necessities until the men come over. Then I will wait with Mikasa in her room with our bags. When we are sure they are distracted we sneak out through Mikasa's window. Afterwards we will make our way down the park where you will be waiting to pick us up. You will take us to your house where we will stay until we have to go to school. By the time the men realize we are gone my dad will be blacked out drunk to the point they won't be able to wake him up. We will do this every night if the plan works." Eren repeated back to Levi.

Levi nodded, "Anything else that we can add to make it foolproof." He said wanting to make sure they had a higher chance of the plan working. "I don't think we can add anything to it. That's as good as it can get." Eren said combing through as many possibilities as he could in his head. Levi let out a sigh, "I'm sorry I couldn't be more helpful." Levi said as a pout spread across his face. "What do you mean you have helped me with so much, and this plan will help with a lot of things." Eren said showing Levi a kind heartfelt smile.

Levi smiled back and pulled Eren into a hug. Eren hugged him back resting his chin on Levi's head. Levi's hands moved up Eren's back underneath his shirt. Eren leaned into Levi's ear and whispered, "I thought you were hungry." Eren voice being sarcastic as he teased Levi. "I am, but-." Levi said before Eren cut him off. "No buts, let's eat." Eren said walking into the kitchen and grabbing the cook book. "What are we making?" Eren asked Levi as he leaned on the counter reading.

Levi walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him. "See anything good?" Eren asked as he flipped through a few pages. "Yeah I see something I would like." Levi said nipping at Eren's ear. Eren rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Geez and you call me the horny one." Levi let out a chuckle before returning to place kisses up his lover's neck, trying to seduce him. "Damn Levi," Eren groaned as Levi hit a sweet spot on his neck. "Can we at least eat first?" Eren asked tilting his head for Levi. "We can eat after." Levi whispered as he pulled away from Eren's neck and lead him over to the couch. "I want to make the most of this last day." Levi whispered in Eren's ear.

Levi laid Eren down on his back and straddled him. Eren let out a moan as his lover grinded up against him. "Levi." Eren whispered before biting his lip. Levi smirked at the boy who was desperately trying not to moan out his name. Levi slid his own shirt off before sliding Eren's off. Levi started placing kisses on his lover's neck, never slowing his hip movements grinding against his lover. Levi had his fingers laced in Eren's pants ready to slide them down. The house phone rang and Levi let out a loud sigh. "Ugh Erwin give it a rest." Levi sighed after hearing the land line repeat the number.

"If you are hearing this I am not home, or I don't want to talk to you." The dial tone repeated. "Damn dial tone." Erwin mumbled before hanging up the phone not even bothering with the same message. "Levi must be busy. He will get my message on his phone, and everything will be okay." Erwin repeated to himself for the hundredth time, but no matter how many times he repeated that line he still felt sick to his stomach.  

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