Fortune Cookies

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They decided on Chinese food, and Levi called the delivery place. "The food should be here in about forty- five minutes." Levi said putting the phone down. Eren yawned and smiled. "Okay cool, is it okay if I take a nap until the food gets here?" Eren asked as he let out another yawn. "Of course you can, I'll wait downstairs for the food." Levi said as he went to stand up. Eren lightly grabbed his arm before he could walk away. "Could you stay in here for a few minutes with me?" Eren shyly asked as a light blush covered his cheeks. Levi smiled and sat back down on the bed. "Of course I will."

Eren snuggled up next to Levi and closed his eyes. Levi smiled and started playing with the boy's messy hair, it always seemed to calm Eren and help him sleep. Levi remained by Eren's side until he fell asleep. Once the boy was asleep Levi quietly left the room to get his plan in motion.Levi quickly grabbed all the materials needed, and set them up. Once he was satisfied with the way everything looked he gave a single nodded. He then went down the stairs to wait the remaining few minutes for the food to arrive. Once Levi heard the doorbell he jumped up and quickly collected the food, tipping the driver a little extra for making sure his special order was fulfilled.

Levi made his way up the stairs with the food, and put the final touch on the decorations before waking Eren. Levi kissed the boy on the forehead and brushed the messy hair out of his eyes, gently waking the boy up. Eren wiped his eyes and looked around the room. His eyes widened and lit up at the beautiful sight. The room was lit by candles that were placed everywhere. There was a miniature table, that Levi must have carried up, with rose petals in the shape of a heart.There food was sitting on plates on each side of the heart. "It's beautiful." Eren smiled.

"I would never guess you were the romantic type." Eren said in awe. "Yeah, just don't tell anyone.It will be our little secret." Levi smiled as he held out his hand for Eren to take. Levi lead Eren over to the table and pulled out the boy's chair and motioned for him to take a seat. Once Eren was sitting, Levi pushed in his chair up to the table and took a seat on the opposite side of the table. They began to eat their take out food, and Eren looked impressed. 'Even Levi can make take you food classy and romantic.' Eren thought as he and Levi enjoyed their food.

Levi smiled as they both finished up their food. 'I'm glad Eren is eating.' Levi though before seeing the cookies on the table next to him. He grabbed the two fortune cookies and showed Eren. "Here this one is yours." Levi said as he handed Eren one. "Do you really believe in these things?" Eren questioned as he seen Levi smile, he seemed excited for them. "Not usually but tonight I believe them, tonight just seems I don't know special." Levi said with a mischievous look in his eyes. "Fine you go first." Eren said pointing at the cookie in Levi's hand. "Alright." Levi said opening the plastic. Levi broke the cookie and read the fortune. 'The one you love is closer than you think.' Levi read before he busted into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Eren asked, because the fortune seemed to be true, but why was Levi laughing did he not think so? "I'll tell you after you open yours." Levi said trying to catch his breath. He looked at the paper in his hand with disbelief. "Um, okay." Eren said with curiosity. 'Was Levi right, did these things actually work? Will mine be as accurate as Levi's?' Eren thought as he unwrapped the cookie. He took a deep breath and broke the cookie pulling out the fortune. He red the fortune aloud. 'You are my everything, Eren I love you.' Eren read the fortune and smiled brightly. "You had it specially made?" Eren asked looking at Levi. "Yup." Levi replied still looking at his own in disbelief. "Yours was planned, mine wasn't." Levi laughed taking one last look at the fortune. "Well Levi you're right, tonight they were right. It's because we are meant to be." Eren smiled and leaned across the table kissing Levi on the forehead. Later that night, the two put the fortunes in their wallets so they would never forget the night that even the universe said that they were meant to be.  

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