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Eren had pushed Levi flat on the couch. Eren straddled Levi's lap and pinned his arms above his head. Eren smirked before slowly starting to grind his member against Levi's. Levi let out a surprised moan. "Are you just going to tease me brat?" Levi said as he began to pant. He was trying to prevent the moans that were trying to escape his lips. The blush began to spread across his face. 'This brat should not be this damn sexy, where did he even learn this... probably from me.' Levi thought as he watched Eren bite his lip "That's the plan." Eren stated before leaning down until his lips traced Levi's neck. Eren kissed and nibbled at the crook of Levi's neck and made his way up to Levi's ear. He leaned in and whispered, "At this point you'll cum before I finish teasing you." Eren smirked before nibbling on Levi's ear.

Levi let out a moan before he could stop it from escaping his lips. He felt Eren smirk against his ear. Levi closed his eyes from embarrassment. Eren moved and kissed Levi on his lips. Levi despite being slightly annoyed by all the teasing, kissed back. He felt Eren's tongue run along his bottom lip, asking for him to open his mouth. He refused to let a brat take complete control. Eren's free hand made it's way down to Levi's pants. He lightly grabbed the bulge in Levi's pants. Levi gasped as Eren caught him off guard. Eren took the opportunity to slip his tongue in Levi's mouth. Levi squirmed for a minute before giving up.

After a few minutes of Eren exploring Levi's mouth, Eren pulled away from the kiss grinning. He took in Levi's facial expression and smiled. Levi's face was bright red. His eyes had shown defeat and embarrassment with a hint of annoyance. His hair had fallen away from his face. His mouth was still parted slightly. Eren let out a laugh as he sat there. Levi's lips had formed a pout. "You're so cute." Eren said as he released his hold of Levi's arms. "Like hell I am!" Levi said glaring at Eren. Eren smiled and placed his hands on Levi's warm cheeks. Eren gently placed a kiss on Levi's lips. Levi waited a minute before removing the sour expression from his face and kissing back.

Levi ran his fingers through Eren's hair. He sat up and lightly pushed Eren back, taking charge. He lightly caressed Eren's cheek before his fingers made their way to Eren's jacket. Levi slipped Eren's jacket off and let it fall to the floor. He then slid one of his hands underneath Eren's shirt. He slowly moved his hand up Eren's back feeling his muscles. Levi pulled away from the passionate kiss and pulled Eren's shirt over his head. Levi's gaze met Eren's and time seemed to freeze. The love in their eyes seemed to overwhelm them. 'This man, this is the man I love, the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. The man I want to cherish and hold him close. The man I never want to let go of.' Levi thought as he smiled and wrapped his arms around his lover. "Eren I love you, I need you." Levi whispered into Eren's ear. Eren wrapped his arms behind Levi's neck. "I love you, Levi."  

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