Hanging Out After School

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'Ugh I hate math class, anymore of this and my head is going to explode'. Eren kept on daydreaming until it was cut off by Jean who had thrown a paper ball. "Psst. Jeager" he whispered throwing another paper ball. "What do you want horse face" Eren rolled his eyes "give me the answers" Jean said batting his eyelashes. Eren thought for a minute before "Okay give me a minute" Eren said scribbling something down on a piece of paper then handing it to Jean. Jean read the piece of paper that said 'figure it out yourself dumbass' Jean glared at Eren who had already gone back to listening to to Ms. Rico. 'I'll make you pay for that Jeager'. Jean thought still glaring at Eren.

Eren started heading to his last class of the day. He sat in his chair patiently waiting for instructions. "Alright class is starting take your seats." Mr. Rivialle instructed. "You all know the drill by now do your homework If you don't have homework do something else productive, and I'm here If you need me. I'll turn on the music, but someone convinced me to play a diffrent genre". Eren was Suprised 'I didn't think he would actually listen to me'. Eren thought feeling a little proud of himself.

*School Bell Ringing*

The students were having so much fun that the time seemed to fly by. They almost didn't want to leave... almost.

Eren was the last student left in the classroom. "Mr. Rivialle are you staying after school for a little bit" Eren asked nervously "Yeah I was planning on staying for about an hour. Why?" In actually Mr. Rivialle wasn't planning on staying he just wanted to know why the boy would ask. "Oh, um do you mind if I wait in here for my dad to pick me up" 'oh his father's picking him up I guess that makes sense'. "Sure Eren no problem". He said answering the boys question. "Thanks Mr. Rivialle."

He had never met Eren's father, but he seen him when he picked Eren up sometimes. He knew that's where Eren's bad temper and anger issues came from. He could tell that Eren's father was an ass. But he didn't really know why.

"You can call me Levi when we are alone." Mr. Rivialle said. "What, why"? Eren said confused. "Because it's my name, and it annoys me how much you call me Mr. Rivialle." Levi said rolling his eyes. "Oh, okay I guess that makes sense Mr. Riv- I mean Levi". Eren said smiling.

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