Making Calls

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He decided he would call Erwin first. He knew Erwin was panicking and sick to his stomach in worry and guilt. Levi dialed his number and heard him immediately answer. "Levi what happened?" Erwin asked desperate to hear good news. "Eren-" Levi went to speak but as soon as he said his lover's name broke out into tears once again. How could he be expected to say what was going on. It was to painful to say.

"Levi?" Erwin whispered as he heard his friends shaky voice. "I'll text it to you." Levi mumbled before quickly hanging up. "Wait-." The call clicked off before Erwin could finish. Levi's eyes were so blurry he couldn't even see most of the keys. He tried to wipe his eyes away but the tears kept falling. He managed to type and address and room number. The second he hit send his phone started to ring once more.

He answered it and tried to make it sound like he wasn't crying. "Levi what is going on?" Hanji asked in a panicky voice. "Erwin has been blowing up my phone trying to find out where you were and mutter something about bad things happening." Hanji said in a distressed tone. "What the hell is going on." She asked the one questioned Levi couldn't answer. Levi hung up and copied and pasted the text message. Once he made sure it had sent he shut his phone off not wanting to deal with any more calls.

Erwin grabbed his keys and ran out the door when he recognized the address of the hospital. 'I have to see what happened. This is all my fault.' Erwin thought as he jumped in his car and floored it to the hospital. Hanji got the text right as she was about to call him back. She inhaled sharply and grabbed her keys. "This can't be happening. What the hell is going on." She muttered to herself cursing as she ran out to the car.

Levi splashed water on his face and took some deep breaths. He sighed and opened the door of the bathroom. He was making his way back to Eren's room. He turned a corner and bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry." Levi said looking at the woman in front of him. "My bad." The nurse said as she looked into Levi's eyes. "Hey I know you." She gasped. "You do?" Levi asked with confusion in his voice.

"Yeah you were the man who asked about Molbit's daughter." The nurse stated. 'Molbit?' Levi thought. He had never heard that name before. 'Last time I was here I met that guy. Maybe that was his name?' Levi thought about what had happened. He nodded when he remembered the conversation she was talking about. "Yeah that was me." He confirmed.

"Did you come to see him?" The nurse whispered trying to hide her sad tone. Levi's eyes widened, 'Why was he still here? Something's not right.' Levi nodded and the nurse began to lead Levi down the hall. The room was only a few halls down from Eren's. When Levi walked into the room he felt like his chest had been ripped open.

The usually happy man was laying there with bandages up his arms. His arms were strapped down to the bed. He seemed to be in a sort of unconscious state. "What happened?" Levi whispered as the sight took his breath away. "He tried to slash his wrists after his daughter died. One of his neighbors found him on time and called us. When he came to he tried to tear out the stitches in his arm. We had to sedate him. "We have him on 24 hour watch. He should make a full recovery." The nurse explained to Levi who was still standing in the doorway. 'Why didn't he call me, I gave him my number for this very reason.' Levi thought as he started at the man.

"Right now he's resting but if you want to come back I can call you when he wakes up." The nurse suggested. "Yeah I'd like that." Levi agreed. "I am actually a few rooms down visiting another friend So if he wakes up you can find me there." Levi told her the room number and made his way back to see Eren. Levi felt as if his whole world was crumbling. Everyone he has talked to end up with something bad happening to them. 'Am I a curse?' Levi pondered as he had momentarily stopped walking.

Levi made it back to Eren's room and sat in the chair next to his bed. Mikasa and Jean had told Levi that they weren't going to school tomorrow no matter what. "I'm not going either." Levi said with a sigh. "I'll tell Erwin when he gets here." Levi said as he put his hand on Eren's. Erwin had poked his head in making sure he was at the right room. When he saw Eren his breath caught.

"Levi?" Erwin whispered standing in the doorway. He felt to guilty to even walk into his room. Levi stood up and walked over to Erwin grabbing his arm and leading him into the hallway. "Levi I'm so sorry." Erwin whispered as he dropped his head in shame. "This is all my fault." He went to continue but was stopped. "It's doesn't matter, all that matters now is if Eren can pull through." "But Levi I-." "Was doing your job." Levi cut him off once more.

No matter how much Erwin wanted Levi to blame him Levi couldn't. Levi knew Erwin's intentions, and he knew that he never meant for this to happen. Levi started to walk back into the room Erwin once again stopped in the doorway. He still couldn't bring himself to walk into the room. Levi noticed Erwin in the doorway still and he grabbed his arm and began to lead him inside.

When Hanji arrived she bursted into the room. She saw Eren just laying there, he looked so broken. "No. No! This can't be happening." She said as she looked around at all the people in the room. "Some one tell me this isn't happening!" Her eyes met the red puffy eyes of Levi. "Levi is this real?" She asked as tears began to stream down her face. Levi just looked to the ground he couldn't bear to see her this way.   

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