Night Skyping

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"Mikasa, please don't look." He said trying to hide his arms. "Please, I don't want you to think badly of me." Eren said grabbing his jacket off his bed. Mikasa walked over and hugged Eren tight, but not tight enough to hurt him. "Eren I could never think poorly of you. H-how did this start?" "Alright I know you won't give up until I tell you the truth, so sit down and get comfortable because it's a long story."

"Hey, I'm suprised you answered." "I'm sorry did you want me to hang up." Levi said sarcastically. Eren just rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant." "Hey you said you would call back so I waited. So how'd it go?" "She cried for a while but when I told her that you were helping me atop she was greatful... even though she hated to admit it." "You know what this means?" "Huh?" "It means I'm not the only one on your ass about this now. You realize she's probably going to check your arms at least twice a day. So if you relapse she will know." "SHIT. I didn't think about that."

Eren yawned and Levi knew the boy was tired. "Should I let you go?" "I don't really wanna hang up though." "I have an idea. Do you have Skype on your phone?" "Yeah why?" "You'll see. I'll call back but answer on your phone. I'll explain after that." " Okay." Eren did as Levi said and answered on his phone. "Alright, now what?" "Now we can Skype all night If you want." "Really!" "Yeah. So you can fall asleep and I'll still be right here when you wake up. Also if you have one of your nightmares all you have to do is wake me up." "I love this idea can we do this every night!" "I love that idea brat." Levi smiled.

Eren started to doze off but Levi thought that Eren was already asleep. "I love you Eren. I have never been happier then when I am with you." Levi said starting to drift off. "I love you too Levi. And I feel the same way." Eren said back. They both fell asleep with the biggest smile on their face.

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