What's the Deal with Coming Out

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Levi woke up to the beeping of his phone's alarm. He turned it off but seen Eren was still sound asleep cuddled up on his chest. 'He looks so peaceful. Ugh, do I have to wake him up.' "Eren." Levi said running his fingers threw the boys soft hair. " Come on brat, time to get up." Eren's eyes slowly opened and he yawned. "Time already?" "Yeah." "Okay. I have to call Mikasa." Eren said kissing Levi then grabbing his phone.

Eren began dialing Mikasa number. "Hello?" "Hey, I'm on my way be ready. I'll text you when we are outside." "Okay thank you Eren. Sorry I didn't mean to be so troublesome." "Mikasa you aren't troublesome. Don't worry so much. I have to go see you soon." "Okay bye see you soon."

"You ready?" "Levi I can walk down the stairs by myself." "Eren your ankle is sprained really badly. It was close to being broken. If you step on it wrong..." Levi's voice trailed off as he figured he made his point. "Ugh, fine." Eren let Levi pick him up and carry him down the stairs.

Eren gathered his things. Levi put a jacket on and put the hood up. "What are you doing?" Eren asked curiously. "Bow you don't have to worry about your sister seeing my face. Now you can just say I'm your friend, or something." "Well can I tell her we're dating?" "I don't mind. I didn't think she knew." "She was the second person I came out to. The first was my mom". "Oh okay that's cool." "Levi, did you ever come out to anyone." "Not really, I don't see why I have to... I mean people don't have to say I'm straight so why do I have to say I'm gay." "So you never told anyone?" "Never told anyone, but this doesn't mean that no one knew my sexuality. Most if not all of my friends eventually figured it out. They were all very supportive." Levi and Eren walked out to the car. Levi started it. "So do you know where Annie lives?" "Yeah, actually we aren't far from her house."

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