Baking Brownies

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They ended up watching up to the end of episode six 'Unraveling'. "Okay L is my favorite character." Levi said staring as the episode ended. "Mine too, but Light is a close second."Eren said listening to the ending theme. "So what happens to that lady?" Levi asked intrigued. "I don't know, we're going to have to watch it some other time." Eren said teasing. "Why can't we just watch it now?" Levi asked in a whiny tone. "You said you wanted to bake after that episode." Eren said making Levi regret his words. "Fine, but we are coming back to it soon." Levi pouted.

Levi stood up and walked to the kitchen. He pulled out some cookbooks. Eren watched Levi curiously from the couch. "You coming brat?" Levi asked not even looking at the curious teen poking his head over the back of the couch. "I change my mind. I don't want to burn down your nice kitchen." Levi sighed and set down the cookbooks that were in his hands. He turned around to see Eren's head buried in the couch cushions. Levi smirked before quietly sneaking up behind Eren. Levi moved so fast. Eren opened his eyes and realized he was in Levi's arms. "What are you doing?" Eren asked blushing. "We are baking, and there will be no backing out." Levi said walking into the kitchen.

Levi set Eren down so he was sitting on the counter. Eren wrapped his legs around Levi's waist keeping him in place. Levi gave Eren a confused look. Eren gave Levi a quick peck on the lips and then let him go. "I wanted a kiss." Eren said smiling. Levi smiled and then pecked his lips once more. "I wanted one too." Levi said turning around and grabbing the stack of cookbooks behind him. "So what do you want to bake?" "Well how about something simple?" Eren asked looking through the first cookbook. "We could make brownies?" Levi suggested pointing to a page in the cookbook. "Yeah, let's try that." Eren said smiling. He set the cookbook down on the counter beside him.

Levi grabbed all the appropriate cooking materials needed for the brownies. Eren was still sitting on the counter, watching Levi. Levi walked over with the ingredients in hand. "Okay let's get started." Levi said setting down everything next to Eren. Eren was looking over the instructions, he looked confused. Levi laughed and grabbed the instructions and turned them right side up. "It helps if you aren't reading it upside down." Levi said practically crying laughing. Eren's cheeks went bright red with embarrassment from his mistakes. "My bad." Eren said. 'Am I really that nervous of baking of all things.' Eren thought trying to shake off his nervousness.

Levi did most of the baking but Eren helped with some of the minor instructions. Eren poured the brownie mix into the pan. When Eren finished pouring it he set the bowl down. He realized he got some on his hand. Levi was busy putting the brownies in the oven to notice the devilish smirk that was growing on the boy's face. "We make a good t-" Levi was cut off by Eren's next action.  

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