''Good. You're doing good,'' Louis said. They drove a few yards away before Louis telling him to park it back to where they started. They both disembarked and Louis handed him a helmet. After putting them on, Harry got on his yellow one and Louis the red.

''Okay, think you can handle it on your own?" Louis asked, turning behind him to face Harry.

''I've got it,'' Harry replied.

''Okay. Let's go!"

Harry followed behind Louis, trying to keep up the same pace. Harry realized it was a bit harder to control than he thought, but he was doing okay. They followed the dusty trail. In some places, there were puddles of water from the rain yesterday. Harry enjoyed the freedom and the wind in his hair. It was bumpy every now and then, but mostly a smooth ride. Louis turned his head to look back at him, making sure he was okay. Harry responded with a thumbs up sign and a smile.

The trail ended and took them to a grassy clearing. To the side, there was a wooden ramp that someone had constructed to enable riders to jump off. It looked like fun to Harry. But before he could think about it anymore, Louis began chasing him and riding around in circles around him.

Harry accepted the challenge. He rode his bike faster and faster, trying to stop Louis from getting him. It was exhilarating. His heart was beating faster, hair flying around in the wind, and the breeze was cooling him off. The only thing missing now was Louis's arms around his torso. He thought that maybe after this, they could share the same vehicle so he could be closer to him.

The two continued chasing after each other, laughing, and having a good time. But every now and then, Harry kept glimpsing the ramp. It looked like fun. He was feeling more and more confident on his atv as time went on. Should he go for it? Would Louis be mad? He didn't care. He wanted to try it out.

Louis was ahead of him at this point. Harry was chasing him, and then he came upon the ramp. It was now or never. He wanted to try this out. He didn't know when he'd ever get another chance. He took his eyes off Louis and made his way over to it. It wasn't extremely steep, but anything to Harry was steep since he wasn't experienced. He sped over, and felt his tires make contact, but just barely. Not all of the tires made it completely on the ramp, causing Harry and the bike to turn to the side a bit. He caught air as Harry was panicking now, because he was no longer right-side up, but rather unbalanced.

Harry was thrown off the bike as the atv tumbled over and over again until it landed on its side with a crash. At this sound, Louis turned his machine around, and gasped. He first saw Harry's yellow four-wheeler on its side, and he turned his attention to the ground, looking for Harry. At first, he didn't see him. Was he up and walking somewhere? 'Maybe he'll appear at my side and say 'hey, I'm here,' Louis thought. Where was he?

Louis immediately drove over to the crash site, being extra careful to look at the ground, just in case Harry was lying there. He didn't want to run over the boy. ''Harry! Harry!'' He shouted desperately.

And that's when he saw him, several yards away from his bike, lying flat on his back, one hand on his stomach. Louis flew off his bike in a daze and rushed over to him.

Harry was conscious, but moaning.

Louis was crouched down on all fours, hovering over the fallen boy. ''Harry! Are you okay? Talk to me!"

Harry groaned again. ''Louis?" he said faintly.

Louis was glad to hear his voice. ''Can you move at all? Is your neck okay?"

''I think so,'' Harry croaked.

Louis carefully removed Harry's helmet, revealing Harry's face, which was scrunched up in pain. Harry went to move, but yelled out in agony.

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