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Olaf: (*looks outside*) IT'S SUMMER!! (*starts jumping around*) Summer is here!! 

Hiro: (*chuckles*) Okay, Olaf. We get it. 

Rapunzel: Anyone checked on Clara lately? (*looks up from her sketchbook, more specifically at Kristoff and Tadashi*)

Kristoff: (*eyes widen at Rapunzel's question*) Uh...why?

Me: Because she is here. (*enters the room...again, in a dejected manner*)

Gogo: Oh. No. If she's dejected then she has bad news all over again. (*looks at me and goes over to me*) You okay, Clara?

Me: I...I really don't know. All of the pressure I'm getting for Author Games and homework has finally caught up to me and really made me feel like I've been a complete fool this entire time. (*sighs*)

Tadashi: Author...oh.

Honey Lemon: I would vote for you if I could! (*waves her phone in the air*) But honestly, it's all up to the other people out there. How bad was it, Clara?

Me: I've been placed 10th of 12th this time. And I guess now you see one of my biggest fatal flaws--I keep joining for more glory, but now I realize that isn't going to happen. I failed to grasp a sponsorship, and all my entries in contrast to all the other contestants' are nothing but mediocre. And now it's the task before the Quarter Finals, and I'm up for votes. I could die in two days. I mean, Millicent would. 

Elsa: No. That's not your biggest flaw. It's your way of handling competition. (*pats my arm*) 

Me: Yeah, well, that too! Their better work just pushed me to try and do better but to no avail. (*curls into a ball*) It's taken a toll on me, I swear. And I fear feedback, you know? I always feel like I've never done enough. (*starts to cry*) 

Anna: But they're all just games, right? It's just fun and games. No one is going to judge you just because you slipped in the Author Games!

Me: Yeah, but then she would be my first tribute death. I have failed her, so bad, in so many ways and more. (*sniffles*) And what you said about "just Games"...well, let me tell you all something. When I was young I used to be so sensitive about winning a game. I would try so hard, but pressure soon got the better of me and if I lost I would make a big deal out of it. Literally, I'd throw a tantrum and scream and rage for the hell of it. I hated losing. So much. (*curls up further into a ball in embarrassment*) I honestly am bad at being a good sport. 

Hans: Hey. (*pats my arm too*) You know, not everyone could get they want in life. And whenever that happens, we just accept that and move on. I'm sure Millicent was an amazing tribute for you to write about and shape the further into the Games you got into.

Me: (*looks up at him*) How did you know who I was talking about?

Hans: You mentioned it. (*smiles a little*) Anyway, I'm sure she was still a great person to write about. Like those other people in Katniss's Games--both of them--who lost their lives fighting for their districts' honour, they would not be forgotten. They are people, not just pawns. (*hands me a handkerchief*) You'll be fine with your other tributes. And do the best you can not to forget Millicent, okay? She had a great run. 

Eugene: Besides, if you made it into the semifinals, you'll never be able to catch up with your homework! You do have an assignment due soon, right?

Me: (*nods*) Yeah. 3. More than that? A lot, really. (*chuckles*)

Fred: Don't fret, Clara! You've got many more chances! And even if you didn't win any of them in the end, they were all amazing tributes to start with! And hey, you still got Bianca and Kristyn in some other writing contests that aren't Author Games, right? 

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