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Kristoff: (*playing on his lute*) Oh, it's what you do to me...oh, it's what you do to me...

Fred: Oy, Clara! You know we still have a lot of dares to go through!

Me: What? (*glances up from stats notes*) Oh, oh yeah. Yeah. Lots of singing dares, yeah. (*looks back at stats notes*) Now I'm going to try and get all the singing dares out of the way before we do the more crazier dares, because then that won't really match with this section. 

Rapunzel: And so who dared us to sing what?

Me: Well...DisnerdFangirl asked us a question while Seraphina01docderp, Taetaetot, and Crazy_Kat_R5 dared us to actually sing something. 

Tadashi: (*nods thoughtfully*) That wouldn't sound too bad.  


Gogo: I'll get it. (*runs downstairs*) WHOA!

Wasabi: (*to Eugene*) I won't be surprised if that's another fangirl attack.

Eugene: Don't jinx it yet. 

Gogo: (*comes upstairs with Sera, Doc, Vanessa, Tae, and Katie*)

Elsa: Oh wow. (*giggles*) Hi guys!

Katie: (*waves at everyone*) Hey everyone! 

Vanessa: Great to be back. (*jumps onto a chair beside Honey Lemon and hugs her*) Hey Honey Lemon!

Honey Lemon: (*hugs Vanessa*) Hey Vanessa!!

Me: Alright, so...we've got a question from you, Vanessa, right?

Vanessa: Yup! So I asked, "If your life can be described in a song, which song would it be and why?"

Gogo and Fred and Wasabi: (*glances at each other shiftily*)

Hiro and Tadashi: UH...

Baymax: (*comes in*) Hello. (*blinks at the readers*) 

Sera: BAYMAAAAAAXXX!! (*squishes him in a hug*) Good to see you!

Olaf: (*comes up also with Mochi and Pascal*) Hey everyone! Ooh, did I hear someone ask a question?

Hiro: Yeah. If you had to describe your life in a song, what would it be and why?

Elsa: I'm not sure if you guys will kill me for saying this, but the song for me would probably be "Human" by Christina Perri. I mean, look at it this way. (*takes a deep breath*) All my life I've been regarded as a monster. Well, most of my life. But people just don't know I have feelings like them too. Just because I'm a sorceress doesn't mean I'm not anything like them.

Anna: Hey. What about me? (*crosses her arms*)

Elsa: Well, you're one of the only exceptions. (*hugs Anna*)

Emily: (*nods thoughtfully*)

Me: Hey. Don't worry anymore, Elsa. We're all here to help. We all accept you for you! (*hugs Elsa too*) 

Honey Lemon: Clara's right. We'll all be here for you, Elsa. (*pats her on the shoulder*)

Gogo: For me, it'll be "Confident" by Demi Lovato. I mean, come on, guys! (*waves her arms*) What's wrong with being confident? You gotta woman up sometimes, face the challenges ahead, even when the going gets tough. And for me, I'm always a tough girl, and people always underestimated me for that. 

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now