Demigods and Disney Unite! (ft. the PJO/HoO characters)

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Me: (*turns to Tadashi and slips something from my finger*) Tadashi, take this back. Don't announce anything about us until the dares are all done.

Tadashi: (*eyes widen, but nods and takes the thing*) Okay, Clara. (*slips it in his pocket*)

Gogo: Hey Clara, you said we got more dares from unicorn_cupcakes679, Mermaidgurl03, and Crazy_Kat_R5, right?

Me: Yeah. (*nods*) But we'll go one at a time. I was originally going to do all three at once but it would be a bit...overwhelming.

Anna: Can't I agree! (*looks up from her book*) You're WAY too busy, Clara. That's understandable.

Hiro: Not to mention, she has a freaking JOB! She has office work to do! (*smiles at me*) Honestly, I can only say, good going.

Me: Thanks. (*smiles back at Hiro*)

Hans: Wait. What are the dares from...whatever users Gogo just mentioned?

Me: Adsila, aka unicorn_cupcakes679, wants us to meet characters from another Ask and Dare book. (*scrunches up my face*) Though I found it hard at first. A lot of other friends I know wrote Ask and Dare books, but most are like, only BH6, or BH6 and Frozen, and one BH6 and Big 5, which included Elsa and Rapunzel. So to save you guys from having to deal with doubles, I decided to use the characters from Emma_Hufflepuff's Percy Jackson Ask and Dare.

Fred: You mean Emma? (*looks up from his comic*)

Me: (*nods*)

Kristoff: Sounds fun. (*shrugs*) What can be worse than more characters for a chapter?

Emily: (*comes in*) Just be warned, these kids are seriously...violent at times. So just be really careful.

Wasabi: (*gulps*) The last thing I want to hear is "violent"... (*blanches*)

Me: Whatever. Let's just bring them in. (*snaps fingers*)

(*INSTANTLY, THE FOLLOWING APPEARED: Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Piper McLean, Jason Grace, Leo Valdez, Grover Underwood, and Thalia Grace*)

All PJO/HoO characters: (*freeze*)

Leo: Holy Hephaestus. Where are we? (*squints at us*)

Rapunzel: (*looks at me*) Clara? Did that guy just say--

Me: Hephaestus? Yeah. (*bites lip*)

Jason: (*takes out his gladius*)

Piper: (*eyes widen*) Who are you guys?

Annabeth: Obviously some people who mean trouble. Why else? (*takes out her dragon bone sword*)

Hiro: Whoa! (*backs away*) Look, we honestly mean no harm! We--

Thalia: (*to Jason*) I think we should be glad Gleeson Hedge isn't here.

Jason: What--why? (*smirks at Thalia*)

Percy: If you mean no harm, then why are we here? Like, taken out of...Emma's book?

Me: (*steps forward*) Listen, guys. This was a dare. We were supposed to be meeting other people from another Ask and Dare book but since most of my friends write Ask and Dares with the characters I use, I'd might as well use you guys to avoid the--

Frank: Oooooh. Clones. (*shivers*)

Grover: FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!! (*runs downstairs*)

Everyone: (*stares after him*)

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