xXrazzXx's CURSE

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Me: (*writing up a Hiro X Reader one-shot*) UGH!!!! (*groans*)

Elsa: Something wrong, Clara? (*goes over to me*)

Me: No no, I'm just stressed...honestly I don't know why I'm still writing on Wattpad instead of doing projects that are due tomorrow. Call me weird. But I can't stay away from here!

Fred: Aww! Nothing to worry about! Clara, you're such a smart person. You're tough. You can pull through!

Me: Thanks. (*suddenly sees a notification on my Wattpad app*)

Elsa: (*blanches*) Uh, Clara? Is that a dare?

Me: (*suddenly feels chilly*) Is it just me, or is really cold in here? (*glances at Elsa*) Is that you?

Elsa: (*shakes head*) No. If I was to work my magic now, I'd be freezing the chair!

Gogo: (*storms in again and shivers immediately*) Who made the temperature drop? Elsa, are you sure it wasn't you? (*pulls leather jacket around her fiercely*)

Elsa: No! I swear!

(*soon everyone was surrounded in snow*)

Fred: Elsa?! Clara?! GOGO?! Where the hell did you guys go?!

Wasabi: (*from a distance*) What's happening?

Tadashi: (*from another distance*) CLARA! Where are you?

Rapunzel: Eugene!

Anna: Kristoff? Elsa, are you sure that's not you??

Elsa: I swear, this isn't me!

(*SOON, storm dies*)

Me: (*looks down at my outfit*) Wait a second--this isn't funny! Where are my clothes?! I look embarrassing!

Honey Lemon: Clara?! Why are you wearing a Playboy Bunny costume?

Me: I don't know! You're wearing one too!

Hiro: You mustn't wear an outfit that's naughty!! (*covers mouth*) I can't sing! (*covers mouth again*) Why am I feeling so wrong? (*slaps himself*)

Anna: (*holds a frying pan up*) HAYYYYYYYAH! (*starts swinging it over and over*)

Gogo: Ugh! I look ridiculous! (*pulls at the bottom of her leotard*) Someone did this! ELSA I BLAME YOU!

Elsa: I swear, it wasn't me! I only do that if I really want to! But I swear it wasn't me! I don't even know what this is! (*also gestures to her costume*)

Rapunzel: (*takes off the rabbit ears*) What in the name of Gothel is this?!

Me: What's happening to Tadashi?!

Tadashi: I don't feel so good... (*clutches stomach and vomits out Skittles*)

Me: (*jaw drops*) Oh brilliant. Now my boyfriend has become a candy dispenser.

Kristoff: Uh, guys? If you haven't noticed...look at Wasabi.

Wasabi: (*runs downstairs, grabs a whole pizza, and runs back up to it and kisses it*) Ahh, I love you, my wonderful amazing pizza filled with cheesy awesomeness and tomato sexiness!

Me and Rapunzel: (*glances at each other like...OKAY...?*)

Hiro: When you're ready, come and get it, nah nah nah nah, nah nah nah nahhh!

Fred: When did Hiro suddenly become a spitting karaoke machine? (*glances at Hiro*)

Baymax: (*comes upstairs*) What is going on here?

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now