Divide...and CONQUER! (part 4)

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Continuing the dare from pepsipop91402.


Your next surprise will lie on the Southern Isles, in the throne room of the palace. Bring your entire crew once more at 10:00 pm tonight. Do not be late.



Me: Another surprise, huh? It better not be a scary one. (*nods and bows to the servant*) Thank you.

Kai: (*bows*) Any time, Clara. (*smiles at me and leaves*)

Me: (*comes back into Anna and Elsa's room*)

Fred: (*having a staring contest with Hans, Eugene judges*)

Hans: Oh really...are your eyes burning? I don't feel them burning into mine.

Fred: Psh. (*waves a hand dismissively*) I doubt it. I NEVER lose in staring contests.

Me: Guys? We got another message from Emma. 10:00 tonight, in the Southern Isles.

Hans: (*blanches*) Wait, why the Southern Isles?

Anna: (*shrugs*)

Me: No idea. (*bites lip*) Just go with the flow and never try to question the enemy's motives. It would only result in trouble. 

Emily: Then that wouldn't make sense. If we lay low about the enemy, wouldn't that result in our defeat? (*looks up from her phone*)

Me: I...

Honey Lemon: Whatever Emma and the others are planning there, we have to be prepared. (*puts a hand on my shoulder*) Remember what you wrote in "Never Yours"? "Anticipate everything."

Me: Yeah. I guess that's the message I was trying to pass. (*shakes head*) Sorry, I'm just really preoccupied right now. 

Eugene: Wait, you got one more exam, right?

Me: (*nods*)

Talle (talle2014): Hate to break this somewhat emotional conversation right now, but who wants some yule logs? I made them myself! (*holds out some yule logs*) Uh, with Gerda's help, of course.

Everyone: MEEEEEEEE!!!

Anna: These are really good! (*eats one*) 

Emily: Agreed. 

Hans: (*smiles at Talle*) Thanks. That's really good.

Talle: (*beams*)

Me: (*jumps up*) SHOOT! I forgot to get a present for my Secret Santa person! I'd better run! (*runs out of the castle*)

Emily: ME TOO! (*runs out also*)

Anna: BE BACK AT 9:30!!

Me: WILL DO! (*snaps fingers, and Emily and I disappear back to our world*)


Hans' older brother #5: Wait, so you want us to do WHAT?!!!

Emma: (*bows*) Please, sir, I know this is kind of last-minute and everything. But we--that is to say, the group behind me, and I--we need your help in embarrassing everyone else. And we have to make it--

Hiro: Crazy, and stupid.

Emma: (*glares at Hiro, but turns back to the brothers*) Yeah. Crazy and stupid.

Hans' older brother #8: (*scratches his chin*) Hmm.

Hans' older brother #2: Where IS Hans, speaking of? 

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now