Just like Animals...no thanks, Maroon 5.

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Rapunzel: (*catching up with my book and nodding*) Wow, Clara. Seems like you did quite a bit without us.

Me: (*shrugs*) Originally this was supposed to only have Frozen and Big Hero 6. But after a while I thought, why not add a few more people to hype things up? I just can't leave anyone Tangled related out of this! (*grins*) Plus, it might attract a couple more views. You never know.

Rapunzel: Well, I mean, I'd love to tell secrets. I think I already told you though...other than the fact that I accidentally did sneak out once against my foster mom's rules and adopted Pascal.

Eugene: HEY! And you told me you never left that tower!

Rapunzel: It was only for a brief moment!

Eugene: Yeah. And here I am sitting as a poor man on the run, acting as a famous thief under a new persona.

Hiro: (*blanches*) Um Clara, have you read the dares from DenkaiZatsuzen ?

Me: Nope. Why?

Wasabi: (*glances at computer screen with Hiro and pumps his fists*) BOYS ARE OUT of the dares!

Tadashi: Seriously?! (*looks at screen, and then cheers*) WOOHOO!

Hiro: Yeah there's that...but the girls are...going pretty violent.

Elsa: Violent? Oh I can do violent. (*summons ice storm*)

Anna: Um, Elsa? I don't think Hiro meant that violent.

Hiro: Yeah...apparently the girls are supposed to play-- (*squints*) PUNCHIES?!

Rapunzel: Hold up. (*heads over to computer screen and blinks at Hiro in confusion*) What the heck are PUNCHIES?!

Eugene: Consistent frying pan treatment with the fists. (*feeds carrot to Sven while Kristoff feeds an apple to Max*) At least, that's what I think it is.

Kristoff: I think that's what it is. Sounds pretty appropriate, but...why the girls?!

Me: I don't know. (*shrugs*) But I think it's going to go pretty bloody. (*pulls out a random gym shirt and a pair of gym shorts casually from closet, then starts looking for more for the rest of the girls*) Anything else, Hiro?

Hiro: The animals are supposed to dance to "Animals" by Martin Garrix.

Olaf: B-b-but...what about me and Baymax?

Honey Lemon: (*gently*) I don't think you'll be doing this, Olaf. You and Baymax aren't animals.

Baymax: That is correct. The snowman and I are not species of fish, amphibian, reptile, mammal, or fish.

Fred: So...why don't we get the dancing out of the way first before this place gets dirty?

Wasabi: Deal. (*searches up "Animals" on YouTube, and locates the video--the original mix, anyway*)

Anna: WAIT! (*jumps up*) We can't do this without Mochi! (*runs downstairs*)

Hiro: Seriously, Anna?! (*runs after her*)

Sven and Max: (*look at each other with challenging looks on their faces*)

Tadashi: (*laughs*) I love it when they size each other up. It's like, Yo. You wanna challenge me? Bring it!

Me: I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. Animals are always like this. (*giggles and nudges Tadashi*)

Tadashi: Hm?

Me: Oh, nothing. (*smiles ruefully*)

Honey Lemon, Gogo, Fred, and Kristoff: OTP! OTP!

Anna: I'M BACK! (*puts Mochi on the floor*)

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