8K, Chinese New Year, and a Surprise (NO DARES)

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Honey Lemon: (*jumps up from the screen and starts dancing*) WE GOT 8K READS, CLARAAAAA!! (*jumps around and dances and runs all over the place and almost knocks me over*)

Me: (*in the midst of hanging a Chinese lantern*) Honey Lemon--what--

Rapunzel: OOH! Lots of red around here! Red, and gold... (*looks in puzzlement at the scriptures*) Clara, what are these?

Emily: Good question, Rapunzel. These are Chinese Spring Festival Couplets, technically the Chinese term is "Chun Lian". The gold words on the red paper signify some encouraging meanings and sayings in hopes that the new year would be a good one.

Anna: In Chinese? (*eyes them weirdly*) Well, who am I to question? 

Me: And, we also wear red and gold for luck. (*snaps fingers, and everyone is wearing Chinese outfits*)

Wasabi: Whoa. I never imagined wearing green and gold.

Fred: THIS LOOKS SO COOL! (*jumps around and almost collides with Honey Lemon*) Whoa, Honey Lemon! What's the occasion?

Honey Lemon: 8,100 views on this book! (*jumps around*) And...what am I doing in Chinese clothes? (*glares at Gogo*)

Gogo: Don't look at me! I'm Korean! (*waves her hands in the air*)

Eugene: Kung Hei Fat Choy! (*bows, and his hat falls over*)

Tadashi: (*laughs and picks up Eugene's hat*) I think it's pretty appropriate.

Me: Well, technically the Chinese clothes are optional. But the red decorations certainly aren't. (*smirks*) And today is technically the day where we bang on cymbals and drums, make lots of noise, and eat a hell lot of Chinese things like dumplings.

Emily: Though there is an accumulation of things that go on before today--like cleaning the house and stuff. 

Hiro: (*from upstairs*) I'M CLEANING! GEEZ!

Elsa: NO ONE SAID YOU WEREN'T! (*looks down at her ice blue Chinese outfit*) This looks stunning, Clara. 

Me: Thanks...I guess? It's story magic again, after all. (*smiles*)


Kristoff: Did I miss something? (*eyes widen at the Chinese apparel*) Whoa. How did you guys--

Hans: Don't ask, Kristoff. Well...you can ask. According to Clara, it's Chinese New Year. 

Me: In the Chinese time zone, yes. (*nods*) 

Kristoff: So you think it's completely appropriate to wear things that sport in bright colours and silks and gold and silver embroidery? (*laughs*) Then who am I to judge?

Hiro: (*comes downstairs*) Seriously, Kristoff, what are you doing here?

Kristoff: Didn't Sera say I could still visit you guys? (*holds his arms out*) By the way, I didn't just come here for seeing you guys. 

Rapunzel: So what are you doing here? 

Kristoff: I... (*clears his throat*) Can I talk to Anna? Like--alone?

Anna: What's up, Kristoff? (*bounces forward*)

Kristoff: Come with me. (*beckons her to the living room*)

Tadashi: (*looks at me*) You thinking what I'm thinking?

Me: What do you mean? (*crosses my arms*)

Tadashi: You think... (*whispers in my ear*) he'll propose to her?

Me: (*bites lip*) Well...there's a chance.

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