The Singer, The Slapper, and The Kisser

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Elsa: (*hums "Let it Go" as she looks up the next few dares...then her eyes widen*) Guys. We only did one of Adsila's dares, right? Just confirming since...she also dared us to sing "Emotions" by Mariah Carey and--

Gogo: Hold up. (*holds up a hand and goes over to her, gaping*) What the actual freaking heck?! Tell me who likes Mariah Carey!

Me: (*raises hand*) If you're only talking about her take on "All I want for Christmas is You" or "When You Believe", then yeah. But other than that...I don't know what to say.

Kristoff: Wait, are we talking Adsila_hamada, or someone else?

Me: There's only one Adsila, Kristoff. (*glares at him somewhat*)

Rapunzel: Well? What are we waiting for? We gotta search up the song.

Elsa: (*obliges*)

Hiro: Wait, what's going on? (*goes over to everyone*)

Tadashi: (*drops his textbook and comes over as well*)


Wasabi: (*glances down at his phone and sees the dare from Nighstar888, and blanches*)

Emily: Let's just get the thing over with. (*plays the video*)

Everyone: (*hears the song for the first time*)

Tadashi: That. Is. A. VERY HIGH NOTE THERE!

Me: (*shrugs*) It's alright, I guess. It's a typical Ariana Grande range, in my opinion.

Emily: (*face palms*) Don't get started with Ariana Grande again!


Elsa: (*goldfish face*) Nope. I can't. (*glances at Anna and Rapunzel*)

Rapunzel: No. Way. What the.

Anna: (*stares blankly*)

Gogo: No. Way. If we are forced to sing that--

Emily: Ask Clara! (*pokes me*)

Me: What the--NO!

Fred: (*gapes*)

Hiro: Sounds like this is only a dare for the girls! I can't even think of singing that high, and "Let it Go" was more than enough for me!


Everyone: (*jaws drop*)

Wasabi: Okay, admittedly I can scream that high, but sing that high?

Eugene: (*glances incredulously at Wasabi*) YOU CAN WHAT?!

Wasabi: (*gulps and slaps Eugene*)


Fred: This is the song Adsila wanted us to sing?! Holy.

Me: Well, it's worth giving it a shot. (*shrugs*)

Honey Lemon: (*searches up the karaoke version of the song and everyone starts singing, pretending to hold microphones and look "sexy"*)

Everyone: You've got me feeling emotions
Deeper than I've ever dreamed of
You've got me feeling emotions
Higher than the heavens above

I feel good
I feel nice
I've never felt so
I'm in love
I'm alive
Flying high
It feels like a dream
When you touch me tenderly
I don't know if it's real
But I like the way I feel

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora