Ballet Boys, Anna's Unicorn Ride, and Confessions

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Emily: Whoa. Rapunzel, Eugene, Honey Lemon--look. (*points at screen*) Your video is getting some good reviews.

Honey Lemon: What? Really?! (*runs over to Emily and looks*) Ooh! That's awesome! I love this comment--"Rarely do movie characters pass this message, and the fact that they took the initiative makes me really happy!" AWWWW!

Rapunzel: (*cheers*) YES!!! (*nudges Eugene*)

Eugene: Well. I guess that isn't too bad.

Me: What's up guys? (*comes in from another lecture*)

Emily: CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR CO-OP JOB PLACEMENT!!!! (*runs to me and hugs me*)

Me: (*spins her around*) Thanks, sis!

Tadashi: (*looks up from his textbook*) Wait Clara. YOU WHAT?!


Fred: Good job, Clara! (*claps me on the back*)

Anna: (*runs over to me and hugs me*)

Everyone: (*cheers and congratulates me*)

Me: Thanks, thank you! (*smiles and bows*)

Tadashi: (*picks me up, spins me around in the air, and then kisses me*)

Everyone else: (*cheers*)

Me: (*lets go and grins, then hugs him*) Thanks. Thanks, Tadashi. (*closes eyes*)

Elsa: Hey guys? You know we still have more dares to do? (*gestures to the screen*) We have a few from...Kaitlyn_the_Kat and DisnerdFangirl...oh geez, these don't look so very good.

Kristoff: Come again, Elsa? Not so good dares?

Elsa: Well, I agree with DisnerdFangirl's, I mean there's nothing wrong with the dare she gave us. But Kaitlyn's? Oh geez. Feast your eyes, Kristoff.

Kristoff: Will do. (*reads the dare, then blanches*) HOLY...NO WAY!!!

Wasabi: What's up, Kristoff? (*looks at the dare, then blanches*) No. NO NO NO!!!!

Fred: What's the dare?

Rapunzel: Save us from the suspense, Fred! (*crosses arms*) What's the dare?

Fred: (*reads, then gapes*) Uh...she wants all the boys on the roof in our underwears and scream "I'm a ballerina" at the top of our lungs for an hour.

Me: (*inhales sharply*) At least wear something suitable. I can't even think about you guys in boxers!

Hiro: How about boxer shorts?

Emily: Anything that wouldn't make me scream out "AWKWARD!"

Kristoff: (*pouts*) Why can't we just do the other person's dares? That looks so much nicer!

Tadashi: Why? What's that dare?

Kristoff: Braid the girls' hair. But only Baymax, Olaf, Pascal, and Maximus can do that!! (*groans*) Wait. What about Sven?

Gogo: I'm pretty sure Sven would like to do it too. I mean, I know he wouldn't mind. (*offers a smile*)

Hiro: Well. (*gulps*) Boys? You know what we gotta do.

Eugene: (*face palms*) And to think I'd dance in front of my girlfriend in my underwear...

Kristoff: Save it, Eugene. I have to do it too.

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