Who's the Aspiring Triathlete here?

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Gogo: So, are we ready to do DisnerdFangirl's dare yet?

Me: Huh? (*looks up from doing a lab*) GOGO! REALLY?!

Gogo: Don't tell me you have things due soon.

Me: (*face palms*) Yes, I do.

Rapunzel: (*takes away my computer science notes again*) Relax, Clara! You gotta have some fun at SOME point!

Me: (*groans*) But I'm flunking this course!!

Tadashi: (*sits beside me*) You can get through, Clara! (*smiles ruefully*) I'm not--

Me: --giving up on you. (*hugs him*) Thanks, Tadashi.

Hiro: What's her dare again? (*stands up*)

Gogo: She wants us to do a triathlon. So it's basically like swimming, then biking, then running.

Anna: Is this all in one go?

Gogo: (*nods*)

Elsa: Well, I think that sounds pretty interesting. I mean, we barely do a lot of sporty things in here anyway, so I'm sure this is something our readers would like to see.

Eugene: Oh geez. Swimming, biking, AND running? (*gapes*) But what if some of us can't swim?

Me: (*nods*) You do have a point. Out of all your films, only Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff have never really touched water. Well, I can only say Hans did, but... (*scoffs*) Whatever, he's not here anyway. 

Kristoff: Relax! (*chuckles*) I've been swimming before. I don't know if I can say the same for Anna or Elsa...?

Anna: (*nods*) I can swim. Not a big deal.

Elsa: (*shrugs*) I'll see.

Me: Great. So... (*shrugs*) Let's get going. We need to get changed into these. (*holds up typical marathon outfits for everyone*)

Fred: AWESOME!! (*holds his up proudly*) Now let's get changed. 


Wasabi: Am I the only one feeling self conscious here? (*glances down at his suit*) Yeesh. I can't imagine biking right after swimming.

Hiro: Ahh, relax, Wasabi! You're not going to get hypothermia!

Me: (*bites lip in doubt*) Kinda too soon to say, Hiro. I mean, it's freaking COLD here! 

Baymax: Shall I help you with warming up before proceeding to the next task?

Gogo: (*shakes head*) There should be towels at the end of the swimming lane. Wait, where are we going?

Honey Lemon: There should be a lake close by. We'll just go in there. (*smiles ruefully*)

Emily: (*runs to us*) HEY GUYS!! WAIT FOR--whoa. What are you wearing?! (*giggles*)

Kristoff: Behold--triathlon outfits!

Tadashi: We have to perform a triathlon, as a dare from Vanessa.

Emily: Vanessa strikes again, huh? (*grins*) Alright, let me go get changed. (*runs inside the house and comes back 5 minutes later*)

Rapunzel: Well, I guess we're all set. Let's go!


Me: So. There are...13 people, 13 bikes, and 13 lanes to get to the finish line. The first person to get there wins. 

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