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Kristoff: OY CLARA! Your story's been ranked! Uh, I mean, this book!

Me: I know. #436 in Humour! (*grins and hugs Kristoff randomly*) Of course, it was ranked #435 yesterday but WHATEVER. 

Hiro: What? Seriously? (*grins*) It's like the short story you wrote up with me, right? "Past the Pirouettes and the Bets"? 

Me: Yeah! 

Anna: AND YOU MADE THE READER DO BALLET! (*squeals and twirls around in the room*) That's actually pretty cool if you ask me! 

Rapunzel: And nice new cover, Clara! I see you're getting a lot better with making covers. (*grins at the new Ask and Dare book cover*)

Me: What? I got bored! (*sinks back into the chair and lets go of Kristoff*) Not to mention, I think I ate TOO many noodles for lunch so I skipped out on dinner for now

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Me: What? I got bored! (*sinks back into the chair and lets go of Kristoff*) Not to mention, I think I ate TOO many noodles for lunch so I skipped out on dinner for now. I'll probably opt for some black sesame drink though. (*shrugs*)

Tadashi: Congratulations, Clara!! (*runs up to me and hugs me*) Wait. Isn't your exam tomorrow?

Me: Yeah. AT 9 AM TOMORROW! (*groans*) Tell me WHO in the right mind would wake up in time for an early morning exam? I DOUBT ANYONE WOULD!! (*throws hands up randomly in the air*) And that only accounts for the fact I've been sleeping in for the past few days. 

Eugene: Home's too comfy, isn't it? (*leans back on the bed and closes his eyes*)

Me: I guess that's the best way to put it. (*shrugs*) I can sleep like a PIG at home! And now I'm back at Waterloo and I fear I would only sleep for like, 6 to 7 hours? UGH. It sucks.

Fred: You feel ready for tomorrow's exam, Clara? 

Me: Doubt it. (*shakes head*)

Elsa: Don't stress it, Clara! (*smiles and pats my back*) You can do this. Just convince yourself!

Wasabi: And don't forget anything that you'll need!

Gogo: Woman up, Clara! You can own this with focus and concentration!

Me: Y-you think so? (*glances up at everyone*)

Baymax: I advise you get lots of sleep tonight, Clara. A good night's sleep can boost your focus levels and confidence levels. It also fuels your energy. I also suggest a good breakfast full of healthy things--fruits and grains especially. (*blinks*) Would that help?

Me: Thanks, Baymax. I think it will. (*grins*)

Olaf: And make sure you get into the exam with a smile! (*chuckles*)

Rapunzel: Good point, Olaf. (*nods*) Yeah. Don't forget to smile! You'll feel more confident that way. 

Tadashi: When in doubt, always choose C.

Me: (*gives him a "WHAT?!" look*) Really?

Tadashi: What? I'm being serious. (*shrugs*) Or just choose the most suitable answer.

Fred: And if you get stuck, always look for a new angle! (*jabs at Tadashi*) His words, really.


Me: I guess so. (*grins*)

Emily: (*comes in*) Heyo people. Whew, finally done watching the second night of my school's music performance! (*sighs and plops beside Anna and Hiro*) What's up?

Gogo: Hey Emily. (*waves*) Just talk about her exam tomorrow, her new book cover, and her new ranking.

Emily: What?! This book has been ranked?

Me: #436 in Humour! (*grins and hugs Emily*)

Emily: YAYYYY!!!! (*cheers*) cover?! (*runs to check it out*) Ooh, nice. 

Me: Yeah. Just didn't want to add you since you're kinda, uh, touchy about--

Emily: Got it. (*nods*) Yeaaaahh.

Me: Anyway, so I'm just going to tell the readers that DARES WILL BE OPEN! (*shrugs*) And I'm not going to say "cause hell why not". It's probably because you're all bored of just sitting around while I study for exams, right? So I can give you some time to comment below some dares, and I can write them up during the 6 day lull I have between tomorrow's exam and my next exam, but after that, they'll be closed again.

Kristoff: And you have a Christmas party poll up? (*raises eyebrow in question*)

Olaf: YAY CHRISTMAAAAAASS!! (*jumps around*) Probably the second best thing to summer!

Honey Lemon: (*comes in*) Hey guys. Cookies? (*holds up Aunt Cass's cookies again*)

Everyone: YES!!! (*grabs a cookie and munches away*)

Tadashi: Honey Lemon, how are you holding up without your phone?

Honey Lemon: Not so good. (*shrugs, trying to look nonchalant*) But if Clara's closing dares for a bit, then might as well slough it through. I guess we can do this.

Hiro: I'll have to make a new battery for you in the meanwhile, but yeah, you can do this Honey Lemon. We got the photos on our desktop, so it's all good. (*smiles*)

Honey Lemon: Thanks, Hiro. (*smiles back*)

Eugene: (*whistles away as he eats his cookie*) How many days is it till Christmas anyway?

Wasabi: Uh... (*checks a calendar*)

Me: 16.

Rapunzel: OOH! Christmas! YAY!!

Me: Well, according to some news, this year would be a warm winter/Christmas, due to the El Nino effects. But I really have to re-brush up on Physical Geography, because I have NO IDEA what that effect is anymore. (*bites lip*) Don't kill me, guys.

Gogo: Don't worry, Clara. None of us are geography majors either. 

Emily: (*searches it up*) Well apparently it has something to do with the thermal levels in the Pacific Ocean, if we're talking about Southern Oscillation. But then...hold on...isn't the entire earth already warming up?

Me: No idea. (*shrugs*) Good question, though. Since most of our readers come from different places, we can ask. 

Elsa: YAY RESEARCH!! (*throws her hands up in the air*) Though honestly, if you want it to snow, I can do it, remember?

Me: Oh yeah! Of course! (*hugs her*) I almost forgot.

Wasabi: Okay, so let me get this straight. (*holds his hands up*) So we got ranked on Wattpad, you have exam stress, and you made a new cover, and this year is going to be a warm year for Christmas? Is that it?

Me: Yeah! (*nods*) AND I'm opening dares up. So dare away!

Anna: Comment!

Eugene: Vote!

Honey Lemon: Dare!


Baymax: Bahalalalala!

Everyone: BYE! :)

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