Updates~! (NO DARES)

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Me: (*after quite a few days without any sign of updating this book*) Hey guys OMG I AM SO--

Gogo: (*leaps past Fred and Eugene and grabs my collar*) YOU'D BETTER BE SORRY, CLARA! YOU KEPT US ALL WAITING!

Me: Whoa, Gogo, calm down. Stand down. (*holds breath*)


Gogo: (*nods and lets me go, and I take a deep breath*)

Elsa: Where were you, Clara?

Me: I'm so sorry. (*sighs*) There were WAY too many problems at home for me to sort through. So many things have been happening it's hard for me to control. And on top of that I feel like it's all my fault.

Rapunzel: What is?

Me: My parents and I, and my sister...we're all fighting. If not every day, then at least once a week. And whenever that happens it gets ugly. And I get super upset and cry and even though I've been updating a hell lot of other things here and posting on Instagram and going to work like normal--

Fred: (*jaw drops*) Oh. I understand. Tadashi's been telling us.

Me: (*rounds on Tadashi*) YOU TOLD THEM?!!!

Tadashi: Hey, they might as well know!

Me: (*breathes hard, then sinks to the floor and cries*) It's my fault.

Hiro: (*comes over and puts a hand on my back*)

Honey Lemon: (*does the same*)

Anna: Oh. I never knew. (*puts hands on her mouth in horror*)

Gogo: Clara, you and your sister have got to woman up! Learn what's right and wrong. Don't worry about your parents.

Elsa: Only time can heal them. And let's hope they do get healed in the end.

Me: (*sniffles*) You think?

Kristoff: We know, Clara. Disagreements come by once in a while, but eventually they would work out. Once they've wrung out, they'll forgive and forget.

Me: (*wipes nose*) I hope so.

Honey Lemon: (*smiles encouragingly*) Know so.

Me: Thanks. (*smiles*) Anyway, more news--

Hans: Yeah, we got a few bits of interesting news involving the few of us! First of all, Big Hero 6 AND Tangled are getting animated TV series coming out next year!

Eugene: WOOHOO!! (*dances around and twirls Rapunzel*)

Hiro: I guess that's a bit overdue, to be honest. There has almost been no love for Big Hero 6! At least, from what I see in stores!

Me: (*laughs*) Yeah. Hot Topic has a lot of Big Hero 6 merch, but there isn't a lot in Disney Store. Either get it online, or suffer with the overload of Frozen.

Olaf: (*chuckles*) AND THE SNOWGIES!!

Me: Yes. But hey, it gave a lot of Big Hero 6 fanatics a ton of hype. (*laughs*) It was all over Instagram, Wattpad, Facebook...and I barely check Twitter but it should be there too. Oh, speaking of Twitter--someone advertised my book, "Burning Bright" on it.

Wasabi: You mean the sequel to "Never Yours"? I heard Rapunzel is already reading it--

Rapunzel: And it's good! You should continue! (*throws her arms in the air*)

Me: Once I get ideas, I will. I'm surprised, though.

Tadashi: Who tweeted it?

Me: Uh...Kindle Comparisons. And rowbrinaftlam. That's another user.

Elsa: That's good news, Clara! (*claps in glee*) Seems like a lot more people love your stories!

Anna: CONGRATULATIONS!!! (*throws her arms in the air too and dances with Honey Lemon*)

Me: Thanks. (*nods and smiles*) Now, lastly--

Wasabi: I think you left a LOT of people dangling with dares.

Fred: NO DUH! I think you're still in the middle of writing the Food Wars, and then I got a dare from Night, and we all got dares from Katie, and Vanessa, and I think Tae too--

Me: Yeah, I'm just getting there. Now, unfortunately for the next few weeks dares would be CLOSED.

Rapunzel: (*gapes*)

Olaf: WHY?!!!

Me: (*sighs*) I'm busy with Author's Games, other stories, co-op, piano accompaniment, cooking lessons from my mom--I think--and preparing for back to school. I just don't have a lot of time on my hands.

Gogo: We were reading your Author's Games things, by the way! You got...10.5/12 on your first entry? AND you got sponsored! And probably narrowly missed out a death!

Me: Yeah. Eight people are gone, though. Oh well, they're the least of my worries. (*chuckles*) Anyway. Yeah--if I want to stay in the competition, I have to step up my game.

Hiro: You're doing great, though! (*fist bumps with me*) And don't worry about us. Whenever you're ready, you can come back.

Me: Yeah. Thanks a great bunch, Hiro. (*hugs him*)

Tadashi: HEY! What about me? (*pouts*)

Me: AWW! Come here, Charming. (*hugs him hard*)

Tadashi: (*blushes*)

Eugene: So, the next section would come out when?

Me: (*shrugs*) No idea yet. Probably some time over the week, or two, if I'm not forgetful. (*smiles*) Sorry, readers! You'll probably have to keep waiting. I'm so sorry.

Elsa: They'll wait. Don't worry! (*pats my back*)

Honey Lemon: (*taps her foot*) Man, Baymax takes a LONG time charging!

Gogo: Just...just be patient. (*smirks at Honey Lemon, and addresses the readers*)

Everyone: BYE! :)


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