Kristoff's Being Secretive

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Gogo: (*calls out from her worktable in the room*) Yo Hiro, you have a wrench I can borrow? Wasabi won't let me use his.

Hiro: Yeah, I do. (*throws a wrench in Gogo's direction, and it flies over Anna's head*)

Anna: WHOAA! Careful!! (*pats her head down*) Yeesh.

Hiro: Sorry, Anna. (*smiles apologetically*)

Tadashi: (*absently braids the hair from my ponytail*) So we have another dare from Mermaidgurl03, right?

Me: (*nods*) I know I've been putting it off for a while, but...argh! Lord only knows what was in the mind of my one-shot readers!

Rapunzel: Pushy, some of them? Someone had better tell them how busy you are.

Wasabi: Well, the good news is, some readers know. Defended her, from what I can see.

Fred: You've gotta push it in their minds, Clara! Don't just sit there and let it pass!

Elsa: I agree with Fred. Blast the snow in their faces because they need the cold hard truth about you! (*readies her hands*)

Me: Whoa whoa whoa!! Not at the screen!!

Elsa: Sorry. (*smiles sheepishly*)

Hans: I'll say. Where's Kristoff?

Eugene: Kristoff? (*looks around the room*) Huh. Last I heard from him, he said he was going on a ride with Sven. But lord only knows what's taking him forever.

Rapunzel: You're right. You have a feeling he's not telling us something? (*looks at Hans*)

Hans: No idea. (*shrugs*)

Honey Lemon: (*prints out her lab report*) Whew. This took me a while! (*smiles tiredly*)

Me: (*laughs*) Well, what matters is, you got it done!

Emily: (*comes in*) Hey guys! (*waves*)

Everyone: Hey Emily!

Emily: (*smile fades*) Um, where's Kristoff?

Anna: No one knows. He's not giving us any details.

Hans: Last I heard from him, he's riding with Sven.

Emily: Oh. Well. That's weird. (*looks at Hiro*) How're you doing?

Hiro: Hmm? Alright. (*shrugs*)

Elsa: I'd say, we should get some lunch. (*goes down to the kitchen, where Olaf and Baymax were cooking*)

Baymax: Hello, Elsa! You are just in time.

Olaf: We just made some amazing all-you-can-imagine-from-leftovers stew!! (*claps his hands*)

Me: Stew for 14? Hope there's enough.

Olaf: Of course there's enough! Now who wants some?

Everyone: (*digs in*)


Kristoff: (*enters the house*) Hey guys! Mm, what's that smell?

Rapunzel: All-you-can-imagine-from-leftovers stew! (*smiles*) And you really have to give props to Olaf and Baymax. This is really good!

Eugene: (*with a full mouth*) Better than the Snuggly Duckling!!

Tadashi: Where were you, Kristoff?

Kristoff: Hmm? I was riding Sven. Just took him out for a spin. That's all.

Anna: (*glances suspiciously at him*) You sure, Kristoff? I know you're not so good at lying.

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