Secret Santa Time!! (NO DARES)

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Me: (*comes in*) Heyo people. (*slumps on the bed again*)

Emily: Clara? You okay? (*goes over to me*)

Me: I feel like crap. (*groans*) And I have another exam tomorrow and let me be honest right now, I feel SO DONE right now. I'm DONE with this thing, I don't WANT to do this anymore!

Tadashi: (*comes over to me as well*) Hey, don't feel so down, Mockingjay. (*reaches over and plays with my ponytail*) Just know we're all behind you. Don't stress out. Just go to bed knowing you can conquer this, even if you don't know much. Because hey, who knows what surprises might be in store?


Tadashi: So? Maybe tomorrow, there'll be something that comes very easy to you. You got this, Clara. (*turns me around and looks into my eyes*) I'm not giving up on you.

Me: Thanks, Tadashi. Really. (*leans in and closes the distance...again*)

Tadashi: (*eyes widen but he kisses back*)

Anna, Rapunzel, and Honey Lemon: OTP! OTP!!!!

Me: (*lets go*) Yeah. Cheer all you wish. (*clears throat*) Anyway, I thought we can all do something I tried out last year. It's actually really fun.

Hiro: And what would that be? (*puts down his gummy bears*)

Me: How do you guys feel about a Secret Santa?


Honey Lemon: I'm sure Clara said Secret Santa. 

Baymax: (*comes in petting Mochi and Pascal*) What is Secret Santa?

Me: (*winks*) It's like, an activity you can do among friends where you can secretly get them presents at a fixed budget. Everyone draws out a name and then gets a present for them, but they can't tell anyone else who they got or else that would ruin all the fun! (*grins*) I thought this is a good thing to do before we tackle Emma's dares. 

Gogo: Secret Santa? Sounds interesting. 

Me: Yeah. (*nods*) Now who's interested?

Everyone: (*raises their hands*)


Elsa: Agreed. I've never tried this before.

Eugene: When do we give the gifts?

Me: Christmas day. (*nods and writes down all the names on paper slips*)

Wasabi: And what's the budget? 

Emily: Uh...we can settle for $20? I think that's reasonable.

Kristoff: Sounds good. (*grins*) And to whoever I choose, I hope I get you the right things.

Anna: (*giggles*) I'M SO EXCITED!! (*throws her hands up in the air*)

Me: (*comes out with a hat and all the paper slips inside*) Alright guys, now let's choose the names. One slip, please. And I'll choose the last slip.

Hiro: Uh, quick question. (*raises his hand*) What if you pick yourself?

Me: Then... (*bites lip*) Uh...let me know and I'll come back to you. Open the slip the moment you get it, but don't tell ANYONE. (*starts off with Eugene*) And I trust you wouldn't steal to get the perfect gift?

Eugene: (*chuckles*) RELAX! I doubt I will with Rapunzel always on my trail. (*picks a slip and unfolds it--he gets Honey Lemon*)

Anna: This is SO EXCITING!!! (*unfolds her paper slip--she gets Gogo*)

Elsa: I'll admit I'm a bit nervous, but whatever. (*picks her slip and unfolds it--she gets Baymax*)

(*EVERYONE PICKS THEIR SLIPS! Now I'll list who gets what:

Eugene -- Honey Lemon
Anna -- Gogo
Elsa -- Baymax
Hiro -- Emily
Olaf -- Hiro
Kristoff -- Rapunzel
Me -- Tadashi
Fred -- Eugene
Honey Lemon -- Olaf
Gogo -- Kristoff
Tadashi -- Me
Emily -- Elsa
Baymax -- Anna
Rapunzel -- Wasabi
Wasabi -- Fred

And yeah, that's the list guys!!*)

Me: Got it, guys?

Everyone: (*nods*)

Me: Anyone picked themselves?

Everyone: (*shakes their heads*)

Me: Alright then. (*claps hands*) So it's now 9 days before Christmas--let's get our shopping done as soon as possible, and NEVER leave things till like Christmas Eve. Last-minute things aren't exactly the best thing to handle. 

Fred: But what about you, Clara? And your exams?

Wasabi: Don't you still need to study?

Me: Well...technically, I do have a 3 day lull between my fourth exam and my fifth/final exam. So technically I can schedule time. But it's no exception for the rest of you.

Anna: Got it, Clara! (*nods*) Oh, I'm super excited!

Elsa: Wait, another question. Do we address the gift?

Me: Yeah. You address the gift to the person you're giving it to, but you can't say who it's from.

Rapunzel: I have a feeling this is going to be a hard one.

Me: Don't worry. Me too. (*pats Rapunzel's shoulder*)

Gogo: I'm going to own this so badly. (*cracks her knuckles*) Bring it on, holiday flyers! 

Everyone: (*laughs*) 

Me: Remember, $20!! (*giggles*) And get them under the tree by Christmas Eve. 

Everyone: (*jaws drop*)

Anna: I think we can manage it. What do you say, guys?

Everyone: (*nods*)

Elsa: Okay, so let's get to it!

Me: pepsipop91402 and talle2014, your dares are coming up next!

Everyone: BYE!! :)

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ