Fred's Pranks

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Title gave it away now, didn't it? Anyway, so this is a dare from Nightstar888, or rather, just Night--and she dares Fred to pull of pranks on everyone, first individually and then as a huge group. Hope you guys enjoy.

Fred: (*humming to himself as he wanders out of SFIT*) Six intrepid friends, lead by FRED, their leader, FRED!

??: (*hisses at him from behind a bush*) PST!

Fred: (*turns around*) What the-- (*eyes land on the bush*) Who's there? Who dares go all super-sleuth on me?

??: (*comes out of the bushes*) Relax, Fred. It's just me.

Fred: (*gapes*) Night?!

Night: (*nods*) The one and only. I have to talk to you.

Fred: I suppose it's the dare that you put in this book, correct?

Night: Yeah. And it only makes sense to do them today since it's April Fool's today, right?

Fred: (*nods, and then grins*) Oh yeah! I remember now!

Night: Exactly! So, let's head somewhere where your friends can't hear us. Uh...

Fred: My mansion is fine. No one would know I've disappeared.

Night: Well, if you insist. (*nods*) Now let's go.

******TIME SKIP BROUGHT TO YOU BY...oh I don't know, I'm running out of those kinds of things*****

Fred: So? You dared me to prank everyone--including Clara. What's the plan?

Night: Well, it's entirely your call. I did say to mess everyone up individually, and then as a group.

Fred: And everyone is literally everywhere, let's say that right now. Clara's at work, Emily's at school, my friends are at school, the Frozen people are back in Arendelle, Hans is in Southern Isles, and the Tangled people are in Corona. We're not expected to be back at the house today at all--where we meet for dares and stuff. (*jumps onto his bed*)

Night: Hmm. So you're saying we should prank everyone individually while they're at their respective locations, and then bring them back to the house for the grand finale? (*taps chin thoughtfully*) I think I know exactly how this might work.

Fred: You do? Well, let me hear it!

****************TWO HOURS LATER********************



Me: (*comes back from a long walk in the mall adjacent to my office building*) Ah, nothing beats a good walk after lunch. Better to walk it off than feel bloated for the rest of the--what?! (*notices that my desk was covered in stickies and photos of random stuff*) What the heck is this?

One of my colleagues: Everything okay, Clara?

Me: Uh... (*shakes head*) Someone decided to use up all of my stickies and stick them on my desk and monitors. And there are even photos of people that--hang on. Is that Fred?

Colleague: Fred? Who's Fred?

Me: A friend. (*bites lip*) Something's fishy. (*sits in my chair, and a loud air horn sounds*)

Another colleague: OY! Clara! What the heck?!

Me: It wasn't me, I swear! (*holds hands up in the air*)

Colleague 2: Yeah right! It was your chair! And I assume no one would have gotten access here to mess you up, right?

Me: Wait...were you all away?

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