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(A.N. I LOVE THIS MUSIC BOX VERSION OF IMMORTALS, IT'S ADORABLE!! I want a music box that plays that...who doesn't? Also this would be long...I have to write I think 11 or 12 secrets, so...yeah...AND I HAVE MY GOLDFISH FACE UP HERE in case people ask)

Anna: Hey guys! I got us some cookies!

Me: AWESOME! Who from? Or did you bake them yourself?

Anna: I got them from Aunt Cass.

Hiro: (*stares goldfish eyes at Anna*) How did you suddenly become so open to everyone else around here who's not involved with this book?

Anna: I don't know! I just went downstairs just now, Aunt Cass was at the door, and she just brought me this box of cookies and yeah!

Honey Lemon: I don't blame you, Anna. You're one of the nicest people I've ever met!


Me and Tadashi: (*blush furiously*)

Elsa: Open the box up, Anna. I want to see what's in there.

Anna: Well, there are the typical chocolate chip ones, there are the ones with white chocolate chips and chocolate cookie dough—

Fred: YEAHHH!! I love those ones!

Anna: And then there are the ones with white chocolate chips and macadamia nuts.

Tadashi: (*looks skeptically at Hiro*)

Hiro: Relax. I can eat macadamia!

Wasabi: Well, as long as we don't make a mess, we should be okay.

Gogo: (*notices my phone light up in yellow*) Hey Clara, isn't that—

Me: A Wattpad notification? I think so. (*unlocks phone and checks*) OMG! We got another dare!

Honey Lemon: From whom?

Me: @Tadashiisnotonfire

Tadashi: (*goldfish face*) What the heck is that username about? Of course I'm not on fire! I'm fine!

Me: (*stares at Hiro skeptically*)

Hiro: Yeah, pshh, of course not.

Me: Apparently in this dare, we're supposed to tell each other our deepest darkest secrets.

Olaf: (*bounds in*) Did I hear secrets?

Me: You got that right, Olaf!

Kristoff: Secrets. Huh. Can we just pass and say we're open books?

Fred: OH NO BUDDY! You got to at least spill SOMETHING!

Me: How about we do it this way. We sit in a circle. Then we can take turns saying something. Though now that you mention it, I kind of want to skip out too. I don't have a lot of secrets either.

Elsa: No way! I'm sure we all do have dark things to share...

Hiro: Don't worry, Clara! We won't laugh!

Me: Yeah, right. Pshh. Of course you all will.

Tadashi: Clara, come on! It won't be as bad. Trust me. (*takes my hand*)

Me: Alright then. (*moves hand away from Tadashi's and takes a chocolate chip cookie*) Let's all sit in a circle.

(*Everyone obliges, with Baymax and Sven still standing, and I end up between Tadashi and Anna*)

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now