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Frozen's 2nd anniversary is coming up NEXT FRIDAY!! WOOHOO!!!!! :)

I already have a few RSVP's for Frozen--actually, quite a few for both Tangled (next Tuesday) AND Frozen, but if you haven't RSVP'd for Frozen's 2nd anniversary special, PLEASE do so at your earliest convenience! I will be writing a special similar to the one I wrote for Big Hero 6, so yeah, if you wanna join, comment below! :)

And if you haven't RSVP'd for Tangled, if you wanna join, comment on THAT CHAPTER! I think it's just called **JUST ANOTHER REMINDER**.

Yeah, that's it!

Stay tuned for the second part of Tae's dares hopefully coming by today if not tomorrow or the next few days. :)


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