IT'S MAGIC!! (Never believe it's not so...)

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Me and Emily: (*comes in shivering*)

Kristoff: Hey...oh my god! (*looks at us with a worried face*) Are you guys okay?

Me: Uh...I think so? (*shivers a bit*)

Tadashi: (*runs over and gives me a hug*) You're cold! 

Me: Yeah, it's windy. Really, really blustery. Hope that helps. (*hugs him back*)

Emily: Yeah. (*nods and takes off her coat*) Whew. It's warm in here. 

Hiro: Tadashi set up a fire, actually. (*comes over to Emily and takes her hand, warms it up in his*) You alright?

Emily: Yeah. I guess so. Thanks. 

Gogo: (*comes over with a phone in hand*) Oh thank GOODNESS you guys are here! We still have a LOT more dares to do!

Me: So I heard. One from Seraphina01, one from Crazy_Kat_R5, one from DenkaiZatsuzen, and one from Adsila_hamada. I think...that's it? Let me know if I missed out anyone.

Rapunzel: And we agreed to get Katie and Denkai's out of the way, right?

Me: Yeah. (*nods*) let's do Katie's dare first. 

Anna: What does she want us to do? (*looks up from petting Mochi*)

Me: She wants you all to read a fanfiction of my choosing. (*thinks*) Problem is, which one?

Honey Lemon: (*starts scrolling through my Wattpad profile*) Uh, you don't mind me scrolling through your profile, Clara?

Me: (*shakes my head*) No, not this time. 

Honey Lemon: YAY!

Me: Hang on, but isn't it my choice? As to what I want you to read?

Honey Lemon: Oh. Never mind. I thought we can read something you wrote. (*looks up from her phone sadly*)

Me: Hmm. Well...argh, I really don't know! Uh...the problem with my fanfictions is that they are ALL "X reader", meaning that you put yourself in the story. But I don't know if this is suitable for all of you. 

Fred: What about the "Never Yours" fanfiction I was reading earlier?

Me: Uh... (*bites lip*) I really don't know. Oh! I actually do have one in mind. (*looks up "Impossible to Fall For"*) Alright. Here we are.

Tadashi: Hmm. "Impossible to Fall For"...a Harry Potter love story.

Anna: (*squeals*) OH MY GOD IT'S HARRY POTTER! And... (*squints*) an OC?

Me: Yeah. OC means original character that the author made up.

Fred: Wait a second! Aren't you making an OC story with me in it?

Me: (*nods*) Yeah. Surprised no one's reading it though. The story's called "In My Arms". And the OC I made up is called Amelie Ré. 

Emily: Hey! That sounds like my name! (*puts her hands on her hips*)

Me: Don't blame me. I just wanted to come up with something original. (*puts hands up in surrender*)

Rapunzel: You have to admit, this OC's name is pretty. Calina, I mean. 

Wasabi: Kind of interesting how she's probably the only person from New York to attend a wizarding school almost halfway across the world, though! (*reads through*) And she's from an orphanage?!

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