Run, run, as fast as you can

180 8 2

Me: (*enters the room with a grumpy look and messed up hair*)

Gogo: Hey Cl...oh my god, what happened?

Me: (*huffs*) You can ask my sister about this one. I mean, gods!! (*slumps on bed*) I've been working with her on music. Her violin exam is coming up and right now she looks like she doesn't give an effing crap about it! Not to mention that it's in a higher level...pretty advanced stuff, and she is treating it like--I don't know--

Tadashi: Fred's underpants?

Wasabi: (*turns green*)

Fred: (*glares at Wasabi*)

Me: (*gulps*) Well, yeah. (*starts fixing hair back to its original ponytail*)

Kristoff: Oh calm down, Clara. (*calmly feeds Sven a carrot, then bites into it and continues speaking with his mouth full*) When will you ever come over without looking like you'd create a storm? You're almost as worse as Elsa...

Elsa: (*glares at Kristoff*)

Kristoff: That the time she created the whiteout.

Honey Lemon: Lighten up, Clara! She'll eventually thank you for your help.

Me: (*snorts*) Yeah. Like that would ever happen.

Anna: Honey Lemon's right, Clara. Just believe she'll do it. Have faith in her.

Gogo: In the meanwhile, we got a dare!

Hiro: What, already? (*smirks at me*) Huh, maybe you should complain more often about not getting dares.

Me: (*scoffs at Hiro*) Ugh, Hiro. Really? I advertised this book on EVERY WORK I COULD! I just hope they would come up with something, because I'm getting dares from the same people all the time!

Fred: Who's the dare from this time?

Me: @chelzcharm

Anna: Fun. What's she say now?

Gogo: We have to do a marathon from Arendelle to San Fransokyo.

Honey Lemon: Hold up. Isn't Arendelle like, on the other side of the Earth?

Fred: (*looking up a map*) I have no idea. But isn't Arendelle inspired from Norway or something?

Hiro: Probably. I mean, judging the fact that there are fjords and mountains and ice and snow and stuff, maybe.

Fred: Oh. I was thinking along the idea of the alpines.

Me: I thought Arendelle was a small village.

Elsa: It's actually a town, Clara. A town by the fjords. But it's a big one. Not the size you imagine.

Wasabi: Okay, I can't do marathons. I'll admit it. Once I tried to do a marathon as part of a fundraiser for SFIT, and I fell over at the 500 meter mark.

Hiro: (*scoffs*) You could do so much better than that in your armour!

Tadashi: Did she mention any restrictions?

Me: Well, no...but I'll set them anyway. (*turns to Big Hero 6 group*) You can't use your upgrades.

Tadashi: (*stares at me blankly*) What upgrades? I never got any!

Me: Ahh, you may not have. But the rest of them have.

Big Hero 6: (*facepalm simultaneously except Baymax*)

Me: And Kristoff, you can't use Sven! And no sled, either!

Kristoff: (*pouts*)

Me: Elsa, no ice mischief!

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now