Divide...and CONQUER! (part 6)

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Emma: Alright, so this is the final time we can attack, right? (*paces around the Lucky Cat Cafe with her hands behind her back*) They got us good with their last volley of attack! Like...really! 

Wasabi: I can still feel the vomit coming back. (*cringes*)

Hiro: We have to come up with a way to get back at them...but we have to stop scaring them out of their wits. (*twiddles his thumbs*) Though I'm not sure if that's the whole idea of a prank. To scare them, I mean.

Tadashi: Anyone have good ideas? For once, I'm blank. (*lies on his bed to think, his cap covering his face*)

Rapunzel: They've already tricked us thinking that our other halves were dead, so we can't use that. 

Kristoff: Uh...what else did they--oh yeah. They pushed us down a wagon while we were wrapped in bubble wrap and duct tape. AND they made a few of us pee. Like, really badly pee. (*sinks beside Tadashi and groans*) Yeah. I'm out of ideas.

Gogo: (*sketches a plan on a scrap piece of paper*) Guys? I actually have something.

Elsa: Something that would blow their minds? (*grins and goes over to Gogo*)

Gogo: Well... (*grins twistedly*) Of a sort. 


Me: YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!! (*collapses on the bed*) I'M SO DONE WITH EXAMS! THEY'RE DONE AND OVER WITH!! YES! (*pumps a hand in the air*) Though I'm scared of looking at my marks. I don't even want to see Computer Science either, I know I flunked it. (*bites lip in fear*)

Hans: Well, the thing is, you tried, right? (*goes over to me*)

Me: (*flinches slightly, but nods*) Yeah. I guess. But not enough for my parents. 

Fred: You're still a smart cookie, Clara. Maybe you could pull something big for what happens in the future! (*puts a hand on my shoulder*)

Honey Lemon: You gotta have faith, Clara! You can do this! (*smiles at me and hugs me*)

Me: Thanks, Honey Lemon. (*grins*)

Anna: (*flies in with a flustered look*) Guys? I got a message from Kai.

Talle (talle2014) and Emily: (*glances up from drawing things on their sketchpads*) What's up, Anna?

Anna: It's from Emma. (*reads the message*) Your final wave of attack would take place at the San Fransokyo skate park at 4:30 sharp. Bring the entire crew. -Emma.

Hans: (*goldfish face*) That doesn't sound so good.

Talle: NOTHING from them sounds good! They always scared the hell out of us and make fun of us! (*pouts*)

Baymax: Talle, is something wrong? (*pats her head*)

Talle: Huh? (*glances up to see Baymax*) Oh, nothing's wrong. It's just...oh I don't know...worrying about the pranks.

Me: (*bites lip and thinks*) Well, we only have that one more from Emma and her gang, and then this is over. And since I have a few responses to the poll I put up--

Emily: A poll? Not if you want to kick me out, I hope?

Me: NO!! You're already shipped with Hiro--why would I do that?! (*shakes head*) No, it's about whether Hans should stay.

Hans: (*blanches*) And they said?

Me: I'll reveal that at the end of the chapter. But for now, we'll wait till 4:30 to do whatever Emma wants us to do.

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