Aunt Cass Ships Cladashi?!?!

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Eugene: (*calmly humming "I have a dream" and shining up his frying pan*)

Rapunzel: (*groans as Mochi moves around in Baymax's arms*) Baymax, can you PLEASE let the cat just sit still?! (*goes to erase a detail on her sketch*)

Baymax: I apologize, Rapunzel. It seems that the hairy baby is hungry and wants to eat. (*pets Mochi*) Good hairy baby.

Mochi: (*mews*)

Rapunzel: (*fishes out a treat and feeds it to Mochi*)

Mochi: (*eats the treat and sits obediently*)

Rapunzel: Good boy. Now let's get this drawing finished. (*starts sketching again*)

Me: (*comes in*) Hey guys! (*throws backpack down*) WHEW! Finally done my second day of university lectures!

Elsa: Really? (*runs and gives me a hug*) How did it go?

Me: (*shrugs*) Eh, it went alright. Just that I have my first assignment due in a week. (*sticks tongue out*) BLECH. 

Olaf: What are...assignments? (*squints eyes in confusion*)

Me: They're like...stuff you have to do for your profs, and they have to be handed in to them by a certain date. (*groans*) I have a sociology reflection due next week, and another due the week after that. 

Tadashi: (*hugs me*) 

Me: (*embraces back*) Hey, Dashi.

Tadashi: You'll get through. Just read the textbook, do what the prof tells you, and you'll be great! You'll be fine! (*smiles*) I'm not giving up on you.

Me: Thanks, bro. (*kisses his cheek*)

Kristoff: (*jumps as he hears the doorbell ring*) Do we actually have anyone come over?

Hiro: I'll go see who it is. (*runs moment later we hear him yell*) AUNT CASS?! 

Aunt Cass: Surprise, surprise! (*hugs Hiro*) How is my youngest nephew, eh? 

Hiro: (*struggling for air*) Ribs...can't breathe...

Aunt Cass: Sorry. (*lets go*) I brought a friend of mine, actually, who wouldn't mind a request turned into an actual dare--

Hiro: You?! 

DenkaiZatsuzen : Hey Hiro. Yeah, I thought I'd swing by.

Fred: (*head snaps up at Hiro's short burst of surprise*) I'll be back. (*runs downstairs, and I follow suit*)

Anna: This doesn't sound good. 

Elsa: (*eyes narrow as she creates a snow flurry by her hands*) Don't tell me it's a random stranger. 

Fred: Ah, Aunt Cass, and... (*gasps*) DenkaiZatsuzen ?!

DenkaiZatsuzen: Hey Fred! (*gives him a random hug*) 

Fred: Uh... (*freezes*) What's that for?

DenkaiZatsuzen: (*lets go of hug*) Thank goodness. I was only hoping the comic book master did his homework for my Attack on Titan Dare.

Hiro: Remind me, we have to act like characters from the series? 

DenkaiZatsuzen: (*nods*)

Me: I lose concentration so easily on research like that, just because it's so freaking long! And besides, how am I to put 15 functional people into roles of Attack on Titan? (*starts rambling*) Of course, I have to have Eren, Mikasa, and Armin...then there's Levi and Annie...then there's Historia, though I don't know how she's super important...and then there's, um, Jean, right? Eren's rival? And then... (*facepalms*) I don't know what to do! I'm sunk for 15 functional people!

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