Next Stop: ASIA!! (part 1)

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Rapunzel: HOLD STILL, CLARA! (*tries to measure me*)

Me: Sorry! (*laughs*) Geez, exactly how many dresses have you sewn before?

Rapunzel: Well...this is my first wedding one. Considering the fact that I have always sewn dresses on Pascal. (*laughs also*) I assume you've never had a measurement for dresses before?

Me: Hmm? Yeah, I did, for costumes way before. But not for something like this!

Rapunzel: (*takes down final measurement*) Alright. I think I have enough information for your dress. (*cracks her knuckles*) I'm just going to adjust my dummy over here... (*does the necessary adjustments on her model thing to make dresses) and voila! Time to get started!

Anna: (*flies in*) HEY GUYS!! (*falls on her face*) OOMPH!

Elsa: ANNA! I told you not to fly that quickly! (*picks her up*)

Rapunzel: (*waves*) Hey guys. Uh, what's up?


Me: (*gapes*) What the...

Hiro: (*falls at Anna's feet*) Really, Anna? You had to make me carry this wedding dress for you?

Elsa: (*picks it up*) Sorry, Hiro. Just wanted to mention...this is the dress Anna's probably going to wear. (*unzips the garment bag*) Our mom passed it down for us.

Me: (*jaw drops*) HOLY.

(*Anna's dress is one of those princess ball gowns, much unlike her coronation outfit. The short sleeves on her gown are puffed up just slightly, and the bodice is strewn with diamonds. Layers upon layers of light silk made up the skirt, making the dress seem fit for a fairy princess and free spirit, much like Anna*)

Me: Wow. All that needs is wings. And then you'd really be a fairy princess in the waiting.

Anna: Well, so will you! (*hugs me*) With Rapunzel's design, you'd also look like a butterfly fairy too.

Hiro: (*wipes the sweat from his forehead*) Yeah. I can see it. Oh, by the way--we still have to do HadiSaputra1's dares, right, Clara?

Me: Hmm? Oh yeah. (*nods*) I got more deets.

Fred: DEETS! BEETS! WHOO!! (*jumps around and munches on dried beet and sweet potato chips*) Heya!

Elsa: NOT ON THE DRESS! (*zips up the garment bag*) Fred, seriously!

Fred: Sorry. (*shrugs*) But I heard something about food!

Me: Oh yeah. Yeah. Should we wait till everyone's come by?

Eugene: (*from the doorway*) You mean, once everyone's here. (*winks*)

Tadashi: Eugene! (*smacks him gently*)

Me: (*waves*) Heya guys.

Gogo: Did we miss anything? (*pops a bubble*)

Me: Nahh. (*shakes head*) Anna showed us her wedding dress though.

Hans: (*nods*)

Me: Anyway, that's not too important right now. We're going to get Sakura's dares out of the way now. Oh, and I just got another one from StaklimBogor, so best get both of them out of the way. 

Wasabi: Wait, Sakura's the one who wanted us to go participate in Food Wars Asia? HadiSaputra1?

Me: Mhmm. (*takes out phone*) 


Kristoff: Can I come too?

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