Singing on an outdoor walkway

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Elsa: Okay, so isn't it about time now that Hiro sings for the children?

Me: (*drinks another cup of water*) Wait, what?

Honey Lemon: Clara, exactly how many cups of water have you drank?

Me: Hey, you're talking to someone who accidentally put too much salt in her cabbage soup. Shame that was all I could eat for lunch.

Tadashi: Isn't that bad for you or something? (*wraps arms around me from behind*)

Me: (*nods*) Too much salt, yeah. I had to stop drinking halfway. Clearly, I felt like puking. If it helps it's still sitting on the table. I guess I'll dump it out.

Baymax: Clara is right. Too much sodium fluoride would raise blood pressure, and affect functions of kidney, arteries, heart, and brain.

Anna: Well then, thank goodness she's still alive.

Olaf: I don't have a heart. Or a brain.

Wasabi: Whoa, what?!

Me: We get it, Olaf. You're a snowman. And they don't really have those organs.

Hiro: So...I have to perform that dare, do I?

Me: Yes. Sing Let it Go at a park, and see if anyone joins in. Though hang on, I think I have something that would help. (*gently removes Tadashi's arms from me and heads out of the room*)

Elsa: Hiro, I suppose you know the words?

Hiro: Who doesn't by now?

Tadashi: If it helps, he was singing in the shower EVERY NIGHT!

Hiro: (*glares at Tadashi*) NOT HELPING!

Me: (*returns to the room with an electric keyboard*) Hey—

Everyone else: (*gapes*)

Gogo: Whoa, Clara. You didn't tell us you could play piano!

Me: Yeah. I play piano, violin, trumpet, and I can sing too. Anyone want to challenge me?

Elsa: I gladly will...after Hiro is done.

Me: You're on.

Hiro: Okay now can we PLEASE get this over with?

Me: Of course! Come on!


Me: This looks like a good spot. (*sets keyboard and keyboard stand at the sidewalk, close by a park where children were playing*)

Anna: Oh, this is exciting!

Kristoff: What do you say we witness Hiro's amazing solo, Sven?

Sven: (*nickers in agreement*)

Honey Lemon: Okay, Clara, Hiro, photo photo!

Me: Wait, what—

Honey Lemon: (*pulls me and Hiro in selfie*) EVERYONE SAY LET IT GO!

Me and Hiro: LET IT GO!

(*selfie is taken*)

Elsa: Well, this would be entertaining.

Gogo: Don't mess up, Hiro.

Tadashi: Go Hiro! Go Clara!

Me: Yeah, go us, go us. (*nods at Hiro*) Whenever you're ready.

Hiro: Go for it.

Me: (*starts playing "Let it Go" in a higher octave and twice as fast*)

Hiro: Clara, seriously? I'm supposed to sing that?

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now