Fangirls attack and a Bottle determines fate

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Anna: (*waking up feeling absolutely dizzy*) Ugh...where am I?

Me: (*holding up two fingers*) How many fingers do you see?

Anna: (*sits up blearily*) Um...4? 6?

Elsa: Anna, you okay? (*hugs her sister*)

Anna: I...I think so. I don't really know. (*eyes widen*) Wait, am I the last one to wake up?

Honey Lemon: I thought I'd be last, thanks to Clara's harsh blows.

Me: Oh stop being so modest! If Baymax didn't intercept, you would have finished me off--and I would look quite horrible if you ask me. (*gets up from bedside and stretches*)

Fred: Um, can we please stop it with the whole 'punchies' episode? According to Wasabi, we got more dares.

Gogo: If it's still more punchies, I'm going to punch her instead of these people! (*flexes her arms*)

Eugene: Um, apparently not. It's from another user... Disney_lover1921

Hiro: Oh. And what does she want?

Eugene: (*frowns*) Firstly, she wants everyone to play "Spin the Bottle Truth and Dare". Then she... (*blanches*) Um...

Tadashi: If there's something to do with the boys now--

Eugene: (*gulps*) Well...yeah, there is something with the boys. Except you, Tadashi.

Hiro: Oh get it over with, Eugene! Or Flynn! Or whatever you want to be called! (*squeezes against Eugene on the chair, then eyes widen in horror*)

Kristoff: Hey everyone! (*enters the room and his eyes land on Hiro, who is caught hyperventilating*) Um, are you okay, Hiro?

Hiro: Oh no. No. No no no no no! (*pulls at his hair*) WE HAVE TO STAY IN A ROOM FULL OF FANGIRLS!

Eugene: (*raises eyebrow questioningly*) Aaaaaand what happened when you were mobbed last by them?

Hiro: don't want to know. (*faints in Eugene's arms*)

Eugene: (*blinks in confusion*) Oh one ever taught me how to deal with a teenager who overreacts so much...

Tadashi: But why am I out of this dare?

Kristoff: (*heads over to the computer*) She ships Cladashi.

Tadashi: (*turns to me*) Hey look. We got so many shipping supporters.

Me: Yeah, I figured. If most of us are hyped, then naturally, the public picks it up. (*shrugs*) But I'm okay with it. (*leans back*)

Tadashi: (*catches me*)

Me: (*looks up to him*) You see? (*scrambles up*) Some crazy trust exercise...

Anna: AWWWW! How cute!

Wasabi: (*hears the girls scream*) Um hey guys? Haven't the fangirls already arrived?

Hiro: (*gets up and blinks*) I don't suppose I could go around as Ice Boy again now, can I?

Rapunzel: (*snorts in laughter, and then giggles out loud*) ICE BOY?! OMG! (*laughs so hard she turns red*)

Elsa: Rapunzel... (*shakes head and smiles*) It's just an outfit I made for Hiro--completely out of ice.

Pascal: (*glances at Rapunzel with a concerned look on his face*)

Hiro: (*breathes through his mouth*) Oh...okay then...I guess that's a no.

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now