Snacks Gone Wrong (ft. Aunt Cass)

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Just so you guys know what's going on, pepsipop91402 (aka Emma) dared me via PM to prank the entire crew, and she wants to join in so yeah! This is kinda what we came up with :)

Me: (*takes a trip to the Lucky Cat Cafe, ALONE, humming to myself*) Is it daylight, or is it nighttime? One o' clock, two o' clock, three o' clock, four...we gon' tear the club up, up up up up... (*enters the Cafe to see Emma sipping on a hot chocolate*) EMMA! HEY!

Emma: (*turns to me*) Oh heyyyy Clara! (*runs over and hugs me*) You alright?

Me: I'm doing fine. You?

Emma: (*shrugs*) I'm alright. You remember our discussion, right?

Me: Yeah. (*nods*)

Emma: Well, I got Aunt Cass to prepare the things for us. (*smiles*)

Aunt Cass: Hey sweeties! (*comes over to us with the prank food, as well as some samples*) So as promised, I got you--caramel onions, mayo-filled doughnuts of various kinds, toothpaste filled Oreo's...and a mac'n'cheese mix orange juice? (*holds up the jug with a confused look on her face*)

Me: That's perfect. (*takes a bite out of the mayo-filled doughnut sample and gags*) Oh holy...that's a LOT of mayo... 

Emma: (*gingerly eats the caramel onion and spits it out*) WHOA! I was actually really convinced this was actually a candy apple! (*giggles*) Hey Aunt Cass, you think you can make more of these in different dippings? So like, chocolate dipping, or iced with icing sugar and topped with sprinkles and stuff?

Aunt Cass: Sure! (*nods excitedly*) I got lots of time to do that! (*rushes back and prepares more caramel onions*)

Me: (*places the mayo-filled doughnut on the plate*) I won't be surprised if Fred starts stuffing his face with all this stuff. 

Emma: Or Anna? (*shrugs*) What with her obsession with chocolate. (*points at the chocolate doughnuts and candy onions Aunt Cass is preparing*)

Me: True true. (*idea pops in my head and eyes widen*) YOOOO what if we did the pop trick? (*takes out a few bottles of Sprite and attaches Mentos to them*)

Emma: (*giggles*) I won't be surprised if Kristoff or Eugene falls for this. 

Me: I KNOW!! (*laughs along with her*)

Aunt Cass: (*comes out with more candy onions*) There you go. Now, do you want me to help you take these to your ask and dare place, Clara? 

Me: Sure. I guess I need all the help I can get. (*puts away the pop bottles and Emma helps Aunt Cass pack the doughnuts and Oreos and drink away*)

Aunt Cass: Well then, come on, kiddos! Let's get a move on! 


Emma: OH YEAH! I remember this place! (*jumps out of the truck and runs to the house*)

Me: EMMA WAIT!!!!! (*runs after her*) YOU FORGOT YOUR STUFF!

Aunt Cass: (*chuckles and carries the boxes*) I got them handled, don't worry!

Emma: (*grabs the pitcher from the truck and runs back to us*) Awesome, now let's go!


Hiro: (*chasing Eugene*) GIMME MY GUMMY BEARS, EUGENE!!!

Eugene: (*holds them high and runs*) Not a CHANCE, Hamada! (*chuckles*)

Honey Lemon and Anna: (*singing*) Call it bad, call it good, call it even if you could! Call it good, call it bad, it's the best you ever had! 

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