Live While We're Young and CRAZAAYY

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Hiro: (*calls Emily up*) Girl, just come by! Where are you? Oh...

Anna: Claraaaa! (*runs into my room and randomly hugs me*)

Me: Oh! Hey Anna what's up?

Anna: (*grins*) Just excitedly counting down the days till we both get wed to our respective fiancés. (*lets go*)

Me: (*eyes widen*) OMG YES! I am so stupid, I completely forgot. (*face palms*) I'm sorry, it's just--

Honey Lemon: Yeah, more Author Games and stuff. We know. (*nods and writes something down in her notebook*)

Me: Well...partially. And also for a fact that I'm preparing to--

Rapunzel: Head back to school in 3 days? That's understandable.

Me: (*jaw drops*) How did you--

Rapunzel: You are leaving soon, right? School starts on May 2 for you, and you're moving stuff on May 1. Come on, Clara, what is it that we don't know about you?

Me: (*grins*) Aw, you got me. (*smirks, and then turns to Hiro*) Hiro, what's going on?

Hiro: (*hangs up*) Huh? Oh, nothing much, just...talking with your sister.

Tadashi: Looks like someone misses his girlfriend! (*looks up from his book*)

Hans: (*laughs teasingly*)

Hiro: HEY! Not funny, bro! (*sticks his tongue out*)

Gogo: (*plays Crossy Road*) Anyone else addicted to this game?

Elsa: What the-- (*checks the amount of dares we still have*) Clara, how many dares are you planning on finishing? I mean, throughout the time you have left at home? You do have quite a few!

Me: I know. (*groans*) What with the promise of updating so many works while keeping on these Author Games thing--I really don't know anymore! And not to mention that in one of them, I'm ranked 8th right now with almost NO hope of survival!

Eugene: Then show that Gamemaker that you deserve to be there! Everyone says you're a good writer! Don't give up so easily. (*smiles gently*) If not... (*brandishes his pan*)

Elsa: Okay, I think we got the point. (*laughs*) 

Me: (*nods*)


Fred: I GOT IT! (*runs to the door, and comes back with Emily*)

Rapunzel: EMILY!!!! (*hugs her excitedly*)

Emily: Hey Rapunzel! Hey guys. (*waves at us*)

Me: Sup sis. (*smirks*)

Hans: So Clara, whose dares are we gonna do today?

Me: I was thinking...we can do pinkpastelgoth83's dares today. One song dare, and... (*laughs*)

Wasabi: Is it another dare targeted to me? (*pouts*)

Me: As a matter of fact, nope. (*pops the p*) It's a dare for Hiro.

Hiro: Come again? A dare for me?

Hans: Oh come on! It can't be that bad! (*pats Hiro's back*)

Hiro: Oh no, it can be that bad. (*looks at Hans in a matter-of-fact manner*)

Anna: (*starts laughing*) Oh my god, yes, I remember! Poor you! And twice! (*snorts in laughter*)

Me: OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT LET'S JUST START THE DARE! Her first dare is for us to sing "Live While We're Young" by One Direction.

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now