Project DAUNTLESS 13 (ft. the TROLLS from FROZEN!)

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Me: (*starts playing scales, then groans and pounds on the keyboard, frustrated*) GOD DAMMIT!

Anna: Is everything okay, Clara?

Me: HELL NO! First, my phone is still on MIA—no thanks to my mother—secondly I've just had a glorious musical opportunity taken away from me, and thirdly, I'm running low on story ideas for Wattpad! I think I'm having a huge big-time writer's block! (*groans and sobs*)

Tadashi: Aww. (*goes over to me and gives me side hug*) I think you just need a break. I'm not giving up on you.

Me: (*smiles wanly*) Well...thanks, I guess.

Honey Lemon: OTP! (*then squeals*) HEY CLARA! I think we got another dare!

Me: (*gets up from piano and goes over to Honey Lemon*) What is it?

Honey Lemon: It's a dare from @chelzcharm...apparently we're supposed to do daredevil tricks.

Wasabi: Meaning...?

Me: We need to perform some pretty extreme stunts.

Olaf: (*goldfish face*) You don't say...we're doing a circus? Or something OF the sort? I mean, circuses do have those random daredevil acts, right?

Me: Anyone have any ideas?

Fred: I DO! (*starts going on my computer and searches up daredevil tricks*) AHA! (*starts jotting down ideas on a piece of paper*)

Gogo: Whatcha writing there, Fred? (*tries to peek at the paper, but Fred snatches paper away*)

Fred: Uh uh UHHHHH, Gogo! Wait till I'm done!

Hiro: You do realize there's about 13 of us?

Elsa: Practically everyone needs to have something to do!

Fred: Oh yeah. I got that covered. Now give me a second while I finish this up.

Me: This had better be good. (*sinks back on piano bench and starts playing some random circus music*)

Tadashi: (*starts playing random keys on the higher register*)

Me: (*bats his hand away*) DUDE! WHAT THE HECK!

Tadashi: Calm down, Clara. I'm just playing around...

Me: You're ruining the piece...

Gogo: (*pops her bubble gum*)

Anna: (*starts goofing off with Olaf*)

Elsa: (*produces more snow*)

Hiro: ELSA WHAT THE HECK!! (*dusts snow off his sweater violently*)

Fred: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND DONE! (*turns to us and holds paper up proudly*)

Honey Lemon: Ooh! What do you have in store for us?

Fred: (*clears throat*) Well...I would suggest all of us go skydiving, but I wanted to change things up. So here we go. (*looks around nervously*) Um, should we go outside?

Me: Sure! Come on!


Fred: Okay, so here's the deal. Clara, Tadashi, Olaf—you are all going to go skydiving.

Me and Tadashi: Um...

Fred: The catch is that Tadashi and Clara have to go tandem!

Me and Tadashi: Umm... (*starts yelling things*)

Fred: Uh uh UHHHHHHH! I planned this out, so you have to do as I say!

Me: And I thought I was the one who wrote this book...

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