Flipping Fins and Flapping Wings (ft. HTTYD and TLM)

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Fred: (*blanches as he reads Night's dare*) Oh geez. You know what, I think I have quite a bit to do for Night's dare.

Hiro: (*looks over to see Fred on my profile*) Fred, seriously? Clara's going to KILL you!

Fred: Nah. She let me because she said there was something that I had to do. Night dared me to do something...which we might do later.

Elsa: And whatever that something is, it might not be good. (*adds a few sparkles on Anna's wedding dress*) There. That's better. Ooh, Rapunzel, that looks amazing too!

Rapunzel: Huh? (*looks at the dress she's sewing*) Oh. Uh, thanks! (*smiles cheekily and then returns to her work*)

Eugene: Anyone seen Clara as of late? (*sketches in his sketchbook, then holds the page up and looks at it at an angle, sticking his tongue out*)

Gogo: No. (*fixes yet another thing on her wheel*) But she did mention she would drop by soon to do Crazy_Kat_R5 's dares.

Hiro: What, the one where we had to become merpeople and fly dragons? Well, not at the same time--

Honey Lemon: I AM SO EXCITED FOR THAT! (*squeals and throws her arms out, almost hitting Hans and Kristoff*)

Hans: WHOA! Watch it! (*pats his head*)

Kristoff: (*laughs*)

Me: (*comes in with Emily*) Heya guys! (*waves and puts my bag down*)

Everyone: CLARAAAA!! EMILYYYYY!!!! (*hugs*)

Emily: Hey guys! Good to be back. (*waves*) Oh wait. Speaking of coming back, Kristoff's staying now right? Since Sera's "booting Kristoff out for a month" dare is over?

Kristoff: Yeah! (*cheers*) Good to be back!

Baymax: Hello. (*waves at us*)

Olaf: Hey Clara! (*waves also*)

Me: Hiya! (*waves*) Okay, so...we've got dares! And today we'll finish Katie's--which I think you guys all know.

Anna: It's the mermaid dare! WHOOOO MERMAIDS!! (*throws her arms in the air and almost hits Wasabi*)

Wasabi: AYE! Anna watch it!

Anna: Sorry. (*laughs*) Okay, so...which are we going to do first?

Me: Hmm? Oh...I was thinking we could visit Berk first.

Tadashi: Seriously, though--what kind of name is Berk? Is that, like, where Hiccup and Astrid and all those other people live and fly dragons and everything?

Me: Yup! (*nods and smiles*) And then after that, we can visit Atlantica.

Baymax: Would this require me having to fly?

Me: (*shakes head*) Nah. We'll use story magic again! YAY STORY MAGIC!

Gogo: Okay, enough with the cheering and let's go.

Me: Obliged, my dear! (*snaps fingers, and we end up in Berk*)


Gobber: OY! HEADS! (*swoops low on his dragon, and we duck*)

Honey Lemon: Is this place safe?!

Kristoff: I'm having doubts! (*clutches onto Sven, who somehow joined us*)

Eugene: Uh, what is--AHH! (*runs away from a tongue of fire*)

??: (*coming out of the shadows*) Sorry. Things kinda went amok with our new chief here.

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