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Hiro: (*hauls in a new moped*) Hey guys! I had to use ALL of my bot fight money, but it was worth it! (*brings moped to Tadashi*) Here.

Tadashi: (*looks at new moped*) Wow. How much was this worth?

Hiro: Bro, didn't you hear me? ALL of my money. ALL OF IT!

Elsa: What the heck is...bot fighting?

Me: Illegal activity.

Hiro: Clara, what the heck! You've got Tadashi rubbed off all over you, don't you?! BOT FIGHTING IS—

Anna: —not illegal? I thought it was, by the sound of it.

Hiro: Well Anna, you've read my mind. Betting on bot fighting is illegal, Tadashi!

Gogo: GUYS! ENOUGH! All that matters is that Tadashi got his moped back, okay? Geez.

Fred: Okay, let's just get that out of the way, okay? We got our first dare from another user! I think it's @fananimecreator... (*eyes start narrowing*)

Elsa: What's going on, Fred?

Fred: (*stares at the computer screen with empty goldfish eyes*) Boys are supposed to wear gowns, and girls are to take pictures of us...

Wasabi: WHAT THE FREAKING HECK! Not after I wore Elsa's ice gown for 3 days!

Fred: Oh relax, Wasabi. Wearing a dress is actually kinda fun!

Wasabi: Yeah, well that was you with Anna's dresses!

Anna: Thanks for washing them, by the way.

Fred: Anything for you, my lady. (*bows low to Anna, who curtsies back*)

Me: Well, I guess all the guys would just have to—

Hiro: WAIT. Did I hear right? BOYS have to wear DRESSES?!

Me: Yeah. You heard us right.


Honey Lemon: That's alright, Elsa! I got it all covered! (*pulls out a shopping bag full of Disney Princess dresses*)

Anna: And when did you get all of those dresses?

Honey Lemon: Oh, a while back. I thought we as girls would be able to dress up, but if it's the guys who would be dressing up then sure! We'll let them go ahead and...

Kristoff: (*faints*)

Sven: (*licks Kristoff's face*)

Kristoff: (*wakes up*) DRESSES?!

Me: Dude, get over the fainting! You're just as worse as Wasabi!

Olaf: Well, you fainted once, Clara.

Me: In response to a dare... (*bites tongue*)

Baymax: I sense that the boys are all feeling a little bit uncomfortable. Would you like me to give you a hug?

Hiro: We're good!

(*Baymax hugs Hiro anyway*)

Me: So...whose dresses do we have in the bag?

Honey Lemon: (*pulls out a Cinderella gown, a Tiana gown, a Rapunzel dress, a Belle gown, a Snow White dress, an Ariel dress, and an Aurora dress*)

Me: (*nods in approval*) Huh. Obviously we'll have to put a spin on this dare because we all love Disney! (*to fananimecreator*) HOPE YOU DON'T MIND!

Fred: Ooh... (*looks at the dresses, starts drooling a bit*) Hm...

Wasabi: I'll be Tiana...because well...why not...

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now