Photos, French boy, and more Cladashi

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Wasabi: (*shrieks*) FRED! THAT'S GROSS!

Fred: What is? The fact that I'm eating the pizza like a Kaiju monster? (*takes another monstrous bite from the pizza, spraying tomato sauce on Wasabi who shrieks again*)

Anna: AND THAT, my friends, is why I don't eat pizza! I mean, that is, Elsa and I don't eat pizza...and not as often...

Me: Understandable. (*groans and puts pizza down*) NO ONE IS DARING! I'm getting sick of this.

Elsa: Hey, it'll all be okay. Someone is BOUND to show up with something sooner or later.

Honey Lemon: (*uploading more photos from her phone onto the computer*)

Hiro: Honey Lemon, what are you DOING?!

Honey Lemon: Oh relax, Hiro! I'm just uploading photos from my phone onto the computer so that we can save what we did in previous dares!

Kristoff: (*leans over Honey Lemon's shoulder from behind*) Hey! There was the selfie I took at the beginning of the swapping gender dare!

Honey Lemon: Oh yeah! (*turns and smiles at Kristoff*) Not bad for a first selfie there, Kristoff.

Kristoff: Why thank you, my lady!

Tadashi: (*grabs another pizza slice*) Mm. I can never get sick of pizza any day.

Me: (*glances and smirks at Tadashi*) Oh really.

Tadashi: Oh yeah.

Olaf: (*sips from his hot chocolate*) I'm surprised you two haven't been heating things up lately.

Me: What was there to heat up from the last dare anyway? It was full of us singing. That was IT.

Anna: Olaf did have a point. What happened to the both of you? Since the daredevil dare, you didn't do much.

Me: Well...

Tadashi: (*blushes since he was at a loss for words*)

Honey Lemon: Hey guys! Come check those photos out! Ahh, they look amazing!

(*Everyone crowds around*)

Me: (*winces at the one where Tadashi was wearing my clothes and vice versa, sitting on the pier*) When was this?

Kristoff: That, my friend, was while you two swapped genders! Of course, we all did, remember?

Anna: That doesn't look too bad, now that you come and see it.

Elsa: I'd agree with Anna.

Me: (*buries head in hands*) Oh come on guys—wait, who took the picture?

Kristoff: (*raises hand*)

Tadashi: (*looks at picture thoughtfully*) Good shot there, Kristoff. I actually really like it!

Kristoff: (*pats Tadashi enthusiastically on the back*) Glad you do, bro.

Hiro: (*presses back button to the photo where he was dressed as Ice Boy the first time*) Whooooo. I have to admit, I look good.

Gogo: You do, Hiro. You should wear more ice some time.

Hiro: Gogo, you know Elsa wouldn't always be around to freeze the fabric should it end up in fangirls' hands?

Wasabi: Still though, you look better in ice than I do!

Hiro: (*laughing*) Oh yeah! You had to wear Elsa's ice dress for a few days! I remember...and then I had to wear Gogo's outfit.

Fred: Well, here's the selfie Kristoff took! (*shows us that picture*)

Baymax: (*blinks and scans the photo*) I will save this photo in my databases.

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