Puppies or PTX?

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Elsa: Hey Clara, doesn't your entire slew of exams start tomorrow? 

Me: (*groans*) Yeah. I have 2 back to back--by day--and then 2 more after that, and I'm finished 3 days before Christmas! (*throws down notebook on the floor*) WHO'S EVER HEARD OF THAT? YOU FINISH EXAMS 3 DAYS BEFORE CHRISTMAS? Two of my friends, they're already finished yesterday! I still have 4 exams to finish, and they're done! (*groans and crashes on the bed beside Gogo*) Someone tell me this isn't happening. 

Gogo: You got this, Clara. (*pulls me up roughly*) Study hard, focus, don't think too much about us. We'll be fine. 

Me: Uh, you sure?

Tadashi: Yeah. We're sure. (*hugs me from behind*) Though I'll miss you.

Me: Aww. (*turns around and kisses his cheek*) I'll miss you too. But let's just get these dares over with. From DisnerdFangirl and oppressedZatsuzen

Fred: Denkai changed her username? That's a first. (*shrugs*)

Me: I guess. 

Kristoff: Oh relax! The dares can't be that bad, can they?

Eugene: (*reads the screen*) Vanessa wants a group of us to play with puppies throughout the chapter, and Denkai wants 5 people to sing acapella songs, somewhat like...Pentatonix?

Emily: (*shoots up from her chair, startling Rapunzel and Anna*) I LOVE PENTATONIIIIIX! Have you heard their new album? It's just awesome! They're just--ahhh!

Hiro: Whoa. A fangirl right there, I see. (*nods*) But I'm not judging.

Emily: Thanks. They're amazing though. I mean, really! (*squeals*)

Anna: Hmm. Okay, so...are there any regulations? Like, how many girls and how many guys--

Me: Two girls, three guys. 

Eugene: HEY! I was just going to read that!! (*crosses his arms*)

Me: What? I have to at least READ the dares okay? Yeesh. Calm down! (*thinks*) Who loves puppies?

Rapunzel and Anna and Honey Lemon: MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEEEEEEEE!!!!! (*waves their hands wildly in the air*)

Olaf: (*comes in*) Did someone say puppies? 

Mochi: (*mews questioningly from Baymax's lap--oh, he's with us in the room*)

Fred: I'm okay with puppies. (*shrugs*) 

Wasabi: Uh...no. No no no. They lick you so much they leave SO MUCH SLOBBER on you! No no no I don't want to hang out with puppies. Sorry.

Gogo: Uh...I'm down for puppies. No big deal!

Me: I love puppies, but I'd do Pentatonix any day. So I'll go with PTX. (*raises hand*) Anyone with me?

Tadashi: I'll stay with you. (*smiles at me*)

Elsa: ME TOO! (*runs to me and hugs me*)

Eugene: Oh, so it's either puppies or PTX, right? Pentatonix? Wait, what IS Pentatonix?

Emily: (*clears her throat*) Pentatonix is like, a group of a capella singers who sing without instruments. They make all the voices and sounds with their mouths. But if Clara's with PTX, I'll be with the puppies. I LOVE ANIMALS!!

Eugene: Okay then, so I'll be with PTX. No offense, but I'm still kinda scared of Maximus at times.


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