Reindeers are better than Mopeds

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Me: Hey guys! I know we're kinda early into this but I got a dare.

Wasabi: What do you mean, you got a dare?

Fred: Did someone comment already?

Me: Well, no...but I thought of one so that everyone knows what's going on.

Kristoff: Don't tell me you've thought of this before.

Me: I have, to be exact. This one is for Tadashi and you, Kristoff.

Tadashi: Already? And we're only what, a few minutes into this book?

Kristoff: What is the dare, Clara?

Me: You know how Kristoff rode on Sven to rescue Anna in the whiteout back in Arendelle?

Kristoff and Anna: Yeah.

Anna: I couldn't forget how fast Sven went. Oh yeah, especially that first night out with the wolves and everything!

Kristoff: How could I forget...

Me: Tadashi, you know you have that moped, right?

Tadashi: Um, yes.

Me: Well, I dare Kristoff to race Tadashi on his moped. Tadashi, you ride on Sven.

Everyone else: Wait, seriously?

Gogo: I thought racing was MY thing!

Anna: Same here! I love fast!

Gogo: (*looks at Anna with a smile on her face*) Well, we do have one thing in common...


All the Frozen characters: (*stare at Anna*)

Me: (*shrugs*) Well, it's Kristoff and Tadashi that have to perform the dare.

Kristoff: Well, it's a parting farewell for us, Sven. (*pets Sven*) Goodbye, my trusty reindeer! (*fakes wiping tears from his face*)

Honey Lemon: Kristoff, we know you're faking it. Besides, it won't be for a very long time, right? You'll still get your reindeer.

Kristoff: Okay okay, I know I know.

Me: Alright then! Let's go outside!!


Me: I've got a track. We can use that for the race.

Tadashi: I have no idea how to get on this reindeer.

Kristoff: How does this machine work?

Hiro: Oh, this will be lots of fun, seeing them ride around on each other's "vehicles".

Anna: I can only call this torture. I mean, look at Sven!

Kristoff: This is really shiny though. Hmm. (*starts looking at his own reflection in the mirror*)

Tadashi: (*grunting as he tries to get on Sven's back*) I'm slipping! AHH!! (*grabbing hard on Sven's back*)

Me: Okay, I'll help. (*gets Tadashi on Sven's back*)

Tadashi: Wow, I'm up so high in comparison to my moped! (*sings off-key*) ON TOP OF THE WORLD, ON TOP OF IT ALL!

Me and Gogo: (*face palm*)

Elsa: Hang on, why exactly did you think of this dare?

Me: I don't know why. All I know is that my readers are going to be oh so entertained. Plus, this is a new dare I thought of that I have never seen anyone try.

Olaf: (*panting as he tried to catch up to us*) MAN am I out of shape! Oh wait, is there a race?

Elsa: Yes there is. Kristoff vs. Tadashi...on each other's vehicles. Tadashi is on Sven, Kristoff is on Tadashi's moped.

Me: Alright, let's get this race going! The first person to finish 10 laps wins! (*holds a flag up*) On your marks, get set, go!

Tadashi: Giddy up, Sven!

(*Sven refuses to move*)

Tadashi: Come on!

(*Sven still refuses to move*)

Tadashi: Carrots!

(*Sven rears back and starts cantering all over the track*)

Kristoff: GOT IT! (*starts the ignition and engine roars to life*)

Me: And now we sit back, relax, and enjoy the show.

Wasabi: Do you think Sven would be okay?

Anna: I hope so!

Tadashi: WOHOO!! This feels awesome!

Kristoff: Oh yeah? (*pulls ahead of Tadashi and Sven*) WOOHOO! (*starts rapping*) Look it's me, Kristoff, riding on a moped, this is really going much better than I ho-ped.

Hiro: That's such a bad rap there, Kristoff! Now watch out, Tadashi's catching up!

Tadashi: GO SVEN GO!

(*Sven snorts and canters even faster*)

(*Kristoff puts engine on full speed*)

(*dust starts flying*)

Everyone in the stands: (*coughing*)

Me: Crap, what have I done?

Elsa: They're taking this way too seriously! They should honestly try to let it go!

Fred: Here we go again... (*rolls his eyes*)

Me: Will you please be quiet? They're almost done!

Baymax: I sense the reindeer's heart rate is accelerating a a pace that the reindeer cannot control.

Honey lemon: Well, that sounds bad...

Tadashi: HAHA Kristoff, I'm already on lap 10!

Kristoff: WHAT?! No fair!

(*moped engine dies*)

Kristoff: (*jiggles ignition key but the moped does not start*) OH GOD DANG IT! I don't want to push the thing!

Tadashi: (*rides with Sven to victory*) YEAH! I finished the race! I finished the race! (*gets off Sven and does a victory dance, while Sven collapses on the floor of the track*)

Anna: Oh Sven! (*grabs a water pen and holds it in front of Sven, who drinks from it gratefully*)

Kristoff: Hey, that wasn't my fault! Your engine died!

Tadashi: Well, that's what you get for riding so fast!

Olaf: I don't know what is going on.

Wasabi: My brain hurts my eyes for seeing this right now.

Me: Seeing what?

Gogo: Stop whining Wasabi. Woman up.

Me: Well, that's it from me for this first dare! Now I want you guys to start requesting! Comment below what you would like us to do.

Anna: And don't forget, however bad the dare gets, we'll all do them!

Hiro: Because we're awesome like that!

Everyone else except Tadashi and Kristoff: (*glance smugly at Hiro*)

Hiro: What? It's kinda true, right?

Me: Yeah! Comment away! This is clara_hamada, signing out.

Tadashi: I was going to give my moped upgrades anyway!

Kristoff: I can't imagine you giving your moped "upgrades", what are you going to do? Rocket boosters?

Me: Are you guys done arguing? I'm done with this section.

Kristoff: (*smirks*) Well, now you know. Reindeers are better than mopeds.

Tadashi: HEY!

Me: Yeah. We're done.

Everyone: BYE! :)

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora