This mouth is on fire!!

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GEE, I think THIS dare is also one of the most evil ones I ever got! Above was a video I actually really enjoy--mostly because it involves classical music, but watch as the wind players start going the end of the piece, everyone was like, NO I NEED WATER GET US OUT OF HERE!! XD Anyway, up to you if you wanna watch it. XD

Olaf: (*humming to himself as he cleans the house with Mochi, Pascal, and some of the other animals--everyone else is away*)

Baymax: (*comes in the room holding a basket*) Hello, Olaf. (*waves*)

Olaf: Heya, Baymax!! (*waves back*) Ooh, are those groceries?

Baymax: Yes, they are. I have read another dare on Clara's Wattpad profile while she was at work today. (*blinks*) Everyone is dared by Cupcake_luz10 to eat ghost chili peppers, which I would normally strongly advise against, since they could cause horrific side effects.

Olaf: Ghost chili peppers? (*raises an eyebrow*) So they are hot?

Baymax: Naturally, yes. One consumed pepper would result in vomiting, profuse sweating, stomach cramps, and severe burning sensations from the stomach to the tongue.

Olaf: (*goes over to Baymax, and picks a pepper out of the basket*) Hmm. This looks very...small. (*eyes it suspiciously*) How can something so small hold so much spiciness?

Baymax: (*blinks*) I am not a horticulturalist. So I don't really know.

Olaf: That's okay, Baymax. Wait--how many do you have in there? And do I have to eat it too?

Baymax: I think the user mentioned everyone. So yes, you will eat it too. (*blinks*)

Olaf: Okay...and did she say we have to eat it raw? (*grins mischievously*) Because I think I know how we can conceal the actual pepper itself without them knowing.

Baymax: (*blinks and nods*) Shall I help? And shall I contact Aunt Cass?

Olaf: (*laughs*) Of course, big guy! Let's do this!


Aunt Cass: (*humming as she takes the chicken wings out of the oven*) There we go! Spicy chicken wings infused with ghost pepper sauce! (*smiles widely, then realized what she just said and grimaced*) Uh...wait. Ghost peppers?

Baymax: It was a dare. (*blinks*) And I also have the original pepper cut in slivers right here. (*places them on the plates beside the chicken wings*)

Aunt Cass: And voila, that looks good! (*sets fifteen chicken wings on the table*) Ahh, they'll fall for this for sure! I can only imagine.

Me: (*comes in first*) Mm. Something smells good. (*goes into the kitchen*) AUNT CAAAAAASSSS!! (*runs and hugs her*)

Aunt Cass: Hey Clara! (*hugs me back*) Congratulations!

Me: (*lets go*) Wait, what?

Aunt Cass: (*points at my ring*)

Me: Ohhh! (*nods*) Uh, thanks! (*laughs nervously*)

Aunt Cass: (*nods back and beams*) Any time! Ahh, I can't wait to be a great aunt! (*claps her hands in joy*)

Mochi: (*mews*)

Me: Oh, hey Mochi! (*pets him*) How are you?

Mochi: (*purrs*)


Hiro: Hey Aunt Cass! (*waves*) Nice of you to drop by!

Aunt Cass: Hiro, my college man!! (*hugs her nephew*) I made you guys some chicken wings!

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now