Pan Banging and Cinnamon Gagging

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Anna: (*still singing*) My ex-man got his new girlfriend
She's like "Oh my god, I'm just gonna shake it"
And to the fellow over there with a hell-a good hair
He's like "Come on over, baby we can shake, shake, shake..."


Elsa: (*giggles*) Oh my, Anna. Oh my.

Gogo: AAYYY! There's Clara! (*goes over to me*) How've you been?

Me: Hey Gogo! (*grins*) Ahh, everything's been going...uh, not so good. (*grin fades*)

Kristoff: Seriously? What's up?

Me: My dad. (*clenches fists*) He and I just had a fight.

Tadashi: (*eyes widen*) What about?

Me: My grandfather. He didn't... (*breathes*) My dad didn't want me to know about my grandfather's death when it initially happened. So-- (*starts rambling*) --it came as a surprise when I told him my sister emailed me about it and then he got really mad because he thought I couldn't cope with the situation at school away from family and stuff so I got pissed off for thinking that he'd want to hide this huge secret because I hate it when I feel like I can't be trusted and--

Rapunzel: Wait wait wait. (*eyes start crossing in frustration and anger*) What did your dad say?

Me: He thought I couldn't handle the situation. 

Eugene: (*jaw drops*) But--but--but you have us! You have your readers! You have friends outside of Wattpad!


Eugene: You know what. (*hands me a frying pan*) Go outside and bang this on the apple tree.

Me: (*eyes the frying pan*) Why?

Hiro: It helps channel your anger! Trust me, it's better than setting Baymax onto killer mode. 

Baymax: I apologize and regret any pain I may have caused back then.

Me: (*breathes*) Well...alright. See you guys later. (*runs outside and then swings the pan onto the apple tree trunk*) HIIIIIIYAH! ARGH! YOU! GAH! HAH! YAH! HA! KAH! YIUGH!

Anna: (*watches me with a goldfish face from the window*) I think she's taking this really seriously.

Honey Lemon: Who can't lie? She really does seem worked up all the time. But she's a tough one. 

Fred: DANG! She looks like a superhero with a frying pan! (*starts acting like a superhero, running all over the room imagining a cape flying behind him*) HERE COMES THE PAN MAN!!

Everyone: (*goldfish face at Fred*)

Fred: Oh. I just remembered. She's a girl. CRAP.

Tadashi: Pan woman?

Rapunzel: (*places hands on hips*)

Elsa: (*blanches*) Guys? We got a dare.

Fred: YAY! From who?

Elsa: Taetaetot

Hiro: What to do?

Gogo: Perform the cinnamon challenge.

Eugene: (*starts freaking out*) WHAT THE FREAKING HECK!? First Gogo dares me to do chocolate chubby bunny, now this? I'm going to die!! I'M GOING TO DIE!!

Rapunzel: (*raises frying pan*) Stop it, Eugene! You're not going to die! At least, I don't think so.

Kristoff: What is the cinnamon challenge, anyway?

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