Why the FREAKING HELL are we being NAUGHTY?!?!!!

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Me: (*watching Potter Puppet Pals*) SCREW STUDYING FOR EXAMS! Though I think I need to in the end. (*groans*)

Hiro: Seriously, Clara? What's up with you and Potter Puppet Pals now? (*looks up from his textbook*)

Me: I don't know. Just...uh...

Honey Lemon: (*uploads her photos and videos from her phone onto the computer*)


Olaf: (*opens the door to reveal Nightstar888Taetaetot, and unicorn_cupcakes679*) Ooh la la! Hello, guys!

Night: Heyyoooo Olaf! (*hugs him*) 

Adsila: Now where is Tada--aha! (*runs upstairs*) Hey guys!

Everyone: (*glances up to see Adsila*) 

Fred: Oh hey Adsila. (*waves*)

Adsila: (*spots Tadashi reading a book, and then slaps him on the back of his head*)

Tadashi: What the--ADSILA?! (*throws his book down and starts chasing Adsila*) HOW DARE YOUUUU!!

Adsila: Nyah nyah! (*runs away*)

Tae: (*comes upstairs*) Hello lovely people. 

Me: OY! That's my greeting! (*gets up*)

Tae: Yeah so? (*shrugs*) You know i have a few dares myself to have you all do so listen carefully. (*clears her throat*) Wasabi is to be a police reporter, Hiro has to brush his hair, and Elsa and Fred have to arm wrestle. Loser has to read an x Reader lemon of Clara's choice.

Elsa: (*pales*) W-what?!

Fred: Lemons! Not the kind which Vanessa made us drink the juice from...righ--

Adsila: (*from afar*) CAN'T CATCH THIS!! (*runs back to our room*)

Tae: Uh...what's going--

Wasabi: (*clears his throat*) Sorry, Adsila, but you're under arrest for stealing Tadashi's wallet. (*proceeds to handcuff her, but Adsila slips away*)

Adsila: Not a chance, Wasabi! (*grabs me and Emily*) Now let's go shopping girls! (*drags us by the collars*)

Emily: (*starts choking*) PUT! ME! DOWN!

Me: Adsila, really?! You're not a freaking criminal!! Now listen to Emily and-- (*coughs*) 

Adsila: Sorry. (*lets go of both of us*) Now let's go before Wasabi catches us! 


Tadashi: Damn. (*pats his pockets*) Adsila took my wallet. (*shakes his head*) Damn damn damn--

Night: LANGUAGE, TADASHI! (*glares at him*)

Hiro: Hold on. I have to brush my hair?! (*pats his head*)

Kristoff: Uh...can't help you there. (*crosses his arms*)

Rapunzel: (*hands Hiro a spare hairbrush*) Get brushing there! 

Hiro: (*pouts*) Wow. That sounded like I was going to refuse brushing my teeth or something... (*lifts the brush to his hair slowly, pulls on a lock, and brushes it*)

Elsa: (*pushes her fist against Fred*) GRRRRR...

Fred: (*pulls off an evil smile*) I'm going to win this, Elsa. 

Elsa: Not if I can help it. (*grits her teeth*)

Anna: GO ELSA GO! (*waves her arms randomly*)

Eugene: If only it was me against Fred! But no! It has to be--

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now