Disney Infinity and Early Christmas Tingz

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Hiro: (*hauls in a video game console*) Hey guys! (*waves tiredly, and Baymax waddles in with a plastic bag*) Gods! Who knew the dare from Crazy_Kat_R5 would involve so much?!

Baymax: Hiro. You seem to be very fatigued. (*places the plastic bag on the desk*) 

Hiro: I'm FINE, Baymax. (*pants and wheezes, collapsing on the bed beside Kristoff*) Sup, Kristoff.

Kristoff: (*chuckles*) Hello, Hiro. (*tunes up his lute and began to pluck a few strings*)

Rapunzel: OOOOOOHHH! (*runs to the plastic bag and looks inside*) WHOA! We got the Disney Infinity game, guys! (*squeals and pulls out her figurine...frowning*) What the hell?! This isn't like me at all!

Eugene: (*takes the Rapunzel figurine and examines it*) Hey, on the plus side, they have the flowers in your braid. (*grins and hands it back to Rapunzel*)

Anna: (*takes out her figurine*) Ooh. That looks awesome!

Elsa: They could work on my face. (*turns her figurine over and over in her hands*)

Hiro: (*frowns a bit*) Someone tell me why my armour ended up being in this colour? (*holds up his figurine to the light*)

Baymax: Please excuse my...strange form. (*picks up his figurine and scans it*)

Eugene and Kristoff: (*fuming a bit*)

Me: (*giggles*) Aww, you guys!!

Baymax: (*puts his figurine down*) I am afraid I cannot play. My programming does not conform to video games and controlling controllers.

Hiro: That's okay, buddy. (*pats Baymax's arm*) Well. Let's get this thing fired up, and we'll get going.


Tadashi: (*from the computer*) Hey Clara--we have another Cladashi dare from Adsila_hamada! You know, our good friend Kaitlyn who recently said her name is Adsila?

Me: Oh yeah. (*approaches him and looks at the dare*) Oh yeah, she said her real name is Adsila--Native for "flower", if I'm not mistaken. She mentioned this in her own ask and dare book. (*nods*) I actually like that name. Really unique. And it suits her very well.

Tadashi: (*hugs me from behind*) So what do you say we get started?

Olaf: Hey guys! (*comes up with tons of gingerbread house stuff, including icing, gingerbread pieces, candy, stuff like that*)

Me: Hey Olaf! (*waves*) Hey, why don't you bring those downstairs? We'll need a lot of space, anyway. And besides, who knows how messy we can get?

Olaf: Good idea. (*runs downstairs and brings everything with him*)

Me: Well? (*reaches out to Tadashi and takes his hand*)

Tadashi: Let's go then!

Fred: (*glances at everyone else*) What do you say we go eavesdrop on them? We can't just stay up here!

Emily: (*stares at Fred*) Uh...I'm pretty sure they'll be fine down there. (*goes to her library book and reads it*)

Honey Lemon: (*glances at Gogo, who shrugs*) 

Wasabi: (*starts eating his apple nervously*)

Fred: Well then! That means more time for me to read my comics!! (*leaps onto the bed and reads*)

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