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This is the one-shot that HereComesForever15 dared me to write! Yes, this features Anna from Frozen in Harry Potter. :P And this is based from Goblet of Fire.

Anna sighed as she stabbed her fork into her mashed potatoes late one evening at supper time. The enchanted ceiling above the Great Hall displayed a very cloudy and rainy day, much like the mood she was in. Her friends today were quite chatty, yet she, unlike her usual self, was quiet as she mulled through all the events that happened today--the minor burns she got from the Blast-Ended Skrewts that resulted in singed hair and burnt robes; the trouble she got in for speaking out of turn in Potions, with her losing 50 points from Gryffindor after 45 minutes of talking back against Snape; and worse of all, the letter that she got from her parents explaining Elsa's condition back home, which worried her. 

"Anna?" Her best friend, Hermione Granger, called out to her as she slid into the seat beside her, Harry and Ron on the other side of the table. 

Anna shrugged in greeting, glancing at her lap. "Hey Hermione," she said sullenly. "Harry. Ron."

"Still thinking about the points we lost at Potions?" Ron asked quietly. "You didn't lose a lot this time. Trust me, we've gone through much worse before with Snape."

Anna shook her head. "No," she admitted truthfully. "Just...things from home." She glanced up from her uneaten food and looked at her friends. "My older sister, Elsa--she just got worse. She refused to come out of her room today, back where I live. Of course, this has happened in the past, but it's been going on for a week now and...I'm really worried."

"You mean, back in Arendelle?" Harry questioned.

"Yeah," Anna nodded. "The points I lost for you guys in Potions is completely secondary to what goes on back home. And I'm really scared for her. Elsa, I mean."

The shock in the eyes of her three best friends surprised her. Then Harry reached out his hand over the table, and Anna took it gratefully, her own eyes stinging with tears.

"Don't worry," Harry assured her. "We'll all be here for you. We'll find a way to help you and your sister."

Ron and Hermione nodded in silent agreement, which coaxed a smile out of the young Princess of Arendelle. Suddenly, things didn't seem to be so bad anymore with her friends by her side. She eventually let go of Harry's hand and went to eating her mashed potatoes with renewed vigour, while Ron reached over for the drumsticks, wiping her tears.

"Hey Anna," Hermione whispered. "You know about the whole house elf thing that Nearly Headless Nick was talking about at the beginning of the school year?"

This seemed to spark Anna's interest as she turned to Hermione now. "Yeah. It seemed to trouble you quite a bit. Why?"

Hermione's eyes twinkled under the floating candles as she explained. "I asked a couple people here and there asking if we can head to the kitchens after dinner, but only Professor McGonagall really told me that yes, you can. So I'm wondering, can you join me tonight in visiting the house elves in the kitchens after dinner? Harry, Ron and I have already been before, but if you would like to join us again that would be wonderful."

Anna glanced quickly at Harry and Ron, who seemed to nod in encouragement. The issue with house elves working at Hogwarts haven't been very prominent of an issue either, but she'd rather do something with Hermione and support her, for best friends' sake.

"Sure," she eventually replied, smiling again as she finished up the rest of her dinner with Harry and Ron.

After a while, when she was full from dessert, she, Hermione, Harry, and Ron all went out of the Great Hall. They were only a few steps into the corridor when a drawling voice she had grown to despise called out to the group.

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