Bloated Superheroes

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Honey Lemon: (*comes back from a HUGE shopping spree with the rest of the girls except me*) Hey guys! (*waves*)

Gogo: Wow, Honey Lemon. I never knew how fun shopping could be... (*smiles hopefully*)

Anna: Well, you know why we did! We've got dares, and...I don't know how many people would dress as the same superhero. (*glances at the huge shopping bag in her hand*)

Hiro: Superheroes? Did someone dare us to do a dress-up? (*groans*) Another clothing change!

Tadashi: (*chuckles*) Admit it, though, you liked being the Phantom last time!

Me: (*comes in*) Hey guys! What's up?


Eugene: How was your exam, Clara? And your interviews?

Me: (*shrugs*) Exam went okay, you can say. I mean, I had to take a completely wild guess on one of my short answers. Funny enough but the short answers were only worth 20 marks--and then 10 True or False questions were worth 40 marks!!!

Hiro: (*jaw drops*) No way. That's insane!

Tadashi: What kind of professor does that?

Me: NO IDEA! But it doesn't matter, what's done is done. Now, my interviews--the one I had in the morning went alright. Thought it went smoothly, though it started late, and I ended up being late for my lecture. The second one, well, that also started late too, but I thought it went alright. No hard feelings. (*shrugs and smiles*) Though if you ask me, I'd probably bet that I'd be ranked more from the company in the morning than all the other ones who I got interviews from. And did I tell you it was FREEZING today?? (*clenches hands into fists*)

Elsa: Yeah. It was. (*shivers also*) Ironic for me to say, even! I'm queen of the snow! I should be used to cold!

Kristoff: (*laughs jovially*) Well, sometimes we all get those moments! I worked in the cold, Elsa!

Sven: (*nickers and humphs in agreement*)

Eugene: You brought Sven inside?

Kristoff: So? Is that a crime now? It's cold, as Clara says!

Eugene: Well, I don't blame you. Max is in the next room anyway.

Me: Anyway, so my sister should be coming by any time soon. What's with all the superhero outfits? (*holds up all the different outfits*)

Wasabi: DisneyStoriesAddict sent us a dare while you were out! She dared us to pretend to be our favourite superhero. (*grins*) Which, by the way, got Fred feeling super excited.

Fred: YAYY!! (*starts running around the room zooming like a superhero and making Anna's hair fly into her face*)

Anna: Fred! Seriously?!

Rapunzel: (*sighs in relief*) Thank god my long hair days are over.

Me: And why did we get so many of the same outfits? (*holds up two Spider-man outfits*)

Honey Lemon: Who knows if we'll get doubles?

Me: (*gapes*) Uh...I don't think so, since there are 12 of us, but okay. 13, if you count Olaf. 14 if Baymax is involved. 15 with my sister. (*blows on my hands*) God, I'm freezing!

Tadashi: (*goes over to me and rubs one of my hands in both of his to warm it up*) Is this helping?

Me: (*smiles and kisses his cheek*) Of course, Tadashi. Thanks. (*allows hand to relax*)

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