"I'd like to call this the Randomest of Randomness Chapter!"

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Tadashi: (*drops by the room to see Kristanna and Eugunzel and Emiliro and some of the others watch Cinderella 2015*) Hey guys...ooh, that looks good. (*sits beside Rapunzel*)

Rapunzel: Oh, hey Tadashi! (*smiles*) You've watched this before?

Tadashi: (*shakes head*) No. But this looks compelling. 

Me: (*comes in from class*) Hey...oh. Wow. Live-action Cinderella, I see. (*smiles and sits beside Tadashi, resting my head on his shoulder*) Who chose the film?

Anna: (*raises her hand*)

Me: This is perfect. (*links hands with Tadashi*) Wow. I have never watched this before, and it's so magical.

Elsa: If only everything can be solved with a bit of magic. But hey, Cinderella's got a point. Kindness can lead you places. 

Gogo: What did she say? "Have courage and be kind"?

Elsa: (*nods*)

*******AFTER THE FILM*******

Hiro: Wow. That was something. (*squeezes Emily's hand*) Did you like it?

Emily: (*smiles*) Of course I do, Hiro. Well, I kinda have to, anyway. Clara used to like Cinderella a lot.

Me: I what now?

Emily: Remember you told me your favourite Disney Princess was Cinderella? (*smirks*)

Me: And yours used to be Sleeping Beauty! Or Aurora! That was, before you liked Ariel. 

Kristoff: Ooh. Someone likes to be a mermaid now, huh? (*grins at Emily*)

Emily: What? I just like her because of her perseverance. But yeah, her singing is just...so amazing. 

Honey Lemon: Awwwwww. I like Ariel too! (*starts singing*) I wanna be where the people are, I wanna see, wanna see them dancin'! (*looks at phone*) Ooh, we still have to do DenkaiZatsuzen and Taetaetot's dares!

Fred: (*jumps up*) Whatwhatwhatwhat--what?

Gogo: (*hits him with a curled up manual*) FRED!!! 

Honey Lemon: Okay, so here are Denkai's dares. (*clears throat*) So. Fred should read "Homestuck", Clara and Tadashi and Gogo and Olaf should watch a lot of Cyanide and Happiness...hang on... (*peers at the screen*) Oh. She wants Hiro, Emily, Kristoff, Anna, Elsa, and Baymax to dance to "Once Upon a Dream", and for Wasabi to pour salsa over himself. And for me, Eugene, and Rapunzel to do the "Don't Judge" challenge. 

Rapunzel: Remind me, what is this "Don't Judge" challenge?

Honey Lemon: It's like, a YouTube video put up by people showing that under a whole lot of things that makes someone physically "ugly" (*puts air quotes*) there's still something beautiful within.

Eugene: So under the ugly nose that the kingdom could never get right when I was a wanted thief, there's still someone with a proper nose. (*snaps fingers and winks*) Gotcha.

Gogo: Cyanide and Happiness? What's that?

Me: Just a YouTube thing as well, where there are lots of randomly funny cartoons. (*smiles*) 

Fred: OOH! I always wanted to read "Homestuck"! It's a great comic! 

Hiro: "Once Upon a Dream"? Isn't that from "Sleeping Beauty"? And which version would she want?

Tadashi: I would assume the typical Sleeping Beauty version. No offense, but when I heard Maleficent's version I was freaked out. (*shivers*) No hate on Lana Del Rey, but...whoooo...

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