Divide...and CONQUER! (part 1)

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Baymax: (*notices me come inside*) Hello, Clara. How are you?

Me: Me? Uh...alright I guess. Just a bit stressed out, relieved too though. (*slumps on the bed*) Hello people. (*smiles*)

Fred: CLARAAAA! You're back! (*hugs me*) How was exam numero tres?

Me: (*smiles wanly*) Finished all but one question. But the worse I can probably do is fail, right? (*shrugs and gets up*) Anyway. 

Kristoff: We all got our holiday Secret Santa stuff by the way. 

Me: (*jaw drops*) ALL of you? And I barely gave you the word!

Rapunzel: Well... (*chuckles*) We all had our ways. While you were at your exam, we all went home! Like...San Fransokyo, Arendelle, Corona. And then we got our gifts there.

Hiro: Minus Emily, of course. (*nods*) I know she still has school. 

Me: Yeah. I know. (*bites lip in thought*) I wonder when I'll find time to get my person a present.


Elsa: I'll bet it's Emma and Talle. (*goes to the door and comes back with pepsipop91402, and talle2014*)

Honey Lemon: EMMA!! TAAAAAAAALLE!!! (*runs to them and hugs them*)

Emma: Honey...Lemon...Air... (*gasps*)

Honey Lemon: Sorry. (*puts them down*) Anyway, so I heard we have a BIG dare from you, Emma. 

Emma: (*nods*) Yeah! So I dare you guys to have a prank war! Split into 2 teams and prank each other for a few days. 

Talle: Uh...then when are we going to do my dare? 

Eugene: (*thinks*) Probably during the war? Your dare sounds just like a prank, if you ask me. (*smiles at Talle*)

Me: Eugene, have you SERIOUSLY been looking up my dares again? (*puts my hands on hips*)

Eugene: Uh, I may or may not have. (*smiles slyly*) Anyway, are we going to split up now or wait till Emily comes back?

Emily: (*enters*) What's going on??

Anna: PRANK DARE! Actually, a prank war. (*nudges Emma*)

Emma: Yeah. (*nods*) Anyway, so how are we going to divide this?

Talle: I already have 5 people's division in mind. (*clears throat*) Hiro, Tadashi, Gogo, and Kristoff on one side. Fred on the other.

Hiro: Someone say my--what, why? (*sits up*)

Tadashi: Just do as she says, knucklehead. (*heaves him up and goes with Gogo and Kristoff, while Fred goes on the other side*)

Talle: Good. Now...oh. Clara, you want to group everyone else up?

Me: (*shrugs*) Uh, sure. (*divides everyone up--Elsa, Olaf, Rapunzel, Wasabi and Emma end up with Hiro, Tadashi, Gogo and Kristoff*)

Anna: (*goes over to the other side*) Are you sure about this division, Clara?

Me: I'm positive. (*nods*) And we'll still need one more per--


??: OPEN UP!!!

Me: (*glances in fear at Honey Lemon and Fred*)

Rapunzel: (*pulls out the frying pan*) I'll get it. (*goes downstairs and comes back up a moment later with...*)

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now