Well, we're moving around a lot!

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Anna: (*reads my one-shot in the book*) I LOVE THIS!!! IT'S SO CUTE! (*hugs me*)  Wait, is this kind of serving like a prologue to the events of--

Me: Yeah. (*nods*) I mean, might as well make you 14 like Ron and Harry and Hermione, right? Otherwise, if I made you older or younger it would be a bit weird.

Anna: And how did you know Goblet of Fire was my favourite? 

Me: I didn't! (*grins and laughs*) Order of the Phoenix is my personal favourite though. 

Eugene: (*glances at Rapunzel's work*) Wow. That's great, Rapunzel!

Rapunzel: Thanks. (*glances up at Eugene and smiles*) Hiro helped me a bit, you know. He found this random piece of canvas in the garage, and so I decided to use it for a painting. (*holds it up to reveal the #PrayforParis sign with the France flag as the background and the label painted in black*)

Gogo: (*jaw drops*) That's stunning, Rapunzel. 

Honey Lemon: I AGREE!

Rapunzel: (*beams at the girls*) Thanks. 

Elsa: Wait, is this from the Paris attacks?

Rapunzel: (*nods solemnly and turns to Hiro*)

Hiro: Yeah. Uh...we found a bit more information. The attacks are proven to be scarier than the events of 9/11--I think. 

Elsa: Oh yeah! I did some research with Kristoff and Anna the other day. The attacks started at a bar, then spread. 

Gogo: Wasn't a football stadium and a concert hall involved? 

Honey Lemon: (*nods*) And about 130 lives were lost. I think. 

Me: The events aren't clear, I know that. (*lets go of Anna*) Heck, when this happened I was just getting ready to head home from Waterloo! But all I do know is that the moment the attacks happened, the rest of the world lit up in red, blue and white. And Disneyland in Paris was closed for the first time since 1992. 

Hiro: (*gapes*) Well then. 

Me: I know. (*nods bitterly*) Kind of like our service desk at the Student Life Centre--never closed since 1994. And my display picture right now--Facebook had this thing where everyone puts on a filter of the French flag over their current profile pictures to show support for France and what they're going through.

Gogo: Ohhh! That's why-- (*points at my profile picture*)

Me: (*nods*) But you know it's not just France. A whole lot of other places have been targeted too over the course of the last few days--Beirut, Japan, Mexico, AND Baghdad also got affected. 

Everyone: (*goldfish face*)

Kristoff: All the more reason to pray for our own world. 

Anna: (*nods in agreement*)

Me: Y-yeah. (*bites lip in doubt*)

Fred: (*on my computer*) Hey Clara! We got more dares, you know! I think we forgot to do one from Taetaetot

Me: Oh? What would that be? (*goes over to him, Anna following me*)

Fred: Tae wants you also to watch the Big Hero 6 video--"Top of the World" with full footage. (*shrugs and looks it up*) Which one is it?

Me: I guess it's this one. (*points to the first video from the query*)

Kristoff: That looks...good, I guess. (*clicks on the video and starts watching*)

ASK AND DARE: Tangled Frozen Heroes and MeWhere stories live. Discover now